Grant Robinson: Guess the Google

Here's a game using google:

You're presented with about twenty image thumbnails and you're asked to
guess the one-word query that generated these particular images. time bonus.

Basic idea is very good. Implementation is superior. Doesn't tell you what
the answer is though, when you don't guess correctly. I guess that's so the
question can be used later if 'desired'. Also, a 'game' should consist of a
fixed number of questions so that the high-scores are more meaningful,
maybe. Otherwise, the game just goes on until you're bored of it. Better to
end a game before the player is bored with it? Mind you, a guitar doesn't
limit the number of plunks and then buzz, game over. This ain't a guitar
though, either.

Minor criticisms aside, I was impressed with the basic idea and implemtation
here. is worth checking out too.
