FLOSS workshop phase 2 - create your own media art piece!

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<title>FLOSS in Media Workshop</title>
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<td><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/FlossLeaflet_2.jpg" width="780" height="562"></td>
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<p class="style3">What is FLOSS?</p>
<p class="style1 style4"> FLOSS stands for &quot;Free Libre and Open Source Software&quot;. Pure Data, an excellent example of the FLOSS idea, is a programming language that can be used in a wide variety of multimedia creation.

It allows you tailor your own software to match the requirements of your own art piece. </p>
<p class="style1 style4">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style3">About the workshop</p>
<p class="style6 style7">T<span class="style7">he workshop series presented by Videotage include 3 modules:</span></p>
<p class="style6 style7">Pure Data &amp; <span class="style12">Media Art - June 2005<br>
Intro to Artistic Operation System - July 2005<br>
Digital Dreams in Practice - August 2005</span></p>
<p class="style8">The second module, Intro to Artistic Operation System, will focus on basic Linux operation, commands and open source softwares available only on Linux, such as</p>
<ul class="style12">
<li class="style13"><em> Mp4Live - </em>stream mpeg4 audio and video as you like </li>
<li class="style13"><em>FreeJ - </em>perform on video livesets as a freejay</li>
<li class="style13"><em>MuSE - </em>mix and stream your voice and make a live online performance</li>
<li class="style13"><em>TerminatorX and GDam - </em>SoundTracker and perform with live audio </li>
<li class="style13"><em>Kino, Cinelerra and LiVES - </em>edit video and publish clips</li>
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<div align="left"><em>Audacity and ReZound - </em>edit audio and add as many effects as you like </div>
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<td width="46%"><span class="style8"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/show1.jpg" width="212" height="160"></span></td>
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<td width="46%"><span class="style8"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/show2.jpg" width="212" height="160"></span></td>
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<p align="center" class="style8 style14"><em>Works by Annie Wan </em></p>
<p align="center" class="style8">&nbsp; </p>
<p class="style3">What will I be doing?</p>
<p class="style6 style7">You will <em></em>be shown the basic operation of Linux and creative possibilities by using Pure Data. You will also have a chance to develop your own media art piece with the support of the instructor and Videotage. Students will have a chance to perform their pieces on the 27 August party. </p>
<p class="style8">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6"><span class="style3">Who should attend? </span></span> </p>
<p class="style8">The students on the first module include designers, students, and artists. Anyone interested in learning Linux and developing their own media art piece, with or without prior experience, will find the workshop useful. </p>
<p class="style8">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style6"><span class="style3">About the instructor </span></p>
<p class="style6 style7"> Annie Wan is a young international artist specializes in audiovisual art and interactive art development, Her recent works have been shown in Sweden, Latvia, Germany, France, Norway, Singapore and Iceland. She will be a PhD candidate with scholarship and Top Scholar Award in DXARTS, University of Washington, Seattle. Check out <a href="http://emma.ideoconcepts.com/emma/rdr,4108,0,2442353.html">www.slimboyfatboyslim.org </a> for more information about Annie.</p>
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<td width="46%"><span class="style8"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/show4.jpg" width="212" height="160"></span></td>
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<td width="46%"><span class="style8"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/show3.jpg" width="212" height="160"></span></td>
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<p align="center" class="style8 style14"><em>Annie Wan in performance </em></p>
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<p class="style8"><span class="style6"><span class="style3">Class information </span></span> </p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6 style7">Venue: Videotage, Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong </span></p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6 style7">Date and time:
15 July (7-10pm), 16 July (2-5pm), 22 July (7-10pm), 23 July (2-5pm), 30 July (2-5pm) </span></p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6 style7">Fee: HK$980</span></p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6 style7">Number of seats: 12</span></p>
<p class="style8">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6"><span class="style3">Enrollment and enquiries </span></span></p>
<p class="style8">Simply email to <a href="mailto:[email protected]%20">[email protected]<span class="style6 style7"></span></a><span class="style6 style7"> or call (852) 2573 1869 for enrollment or enquiries. </span></p>
<p class="style8"><span class="style6 style7">Enrollment deadline is <strong>10 July</strong> on a first come first serve basis. Students successfully enrolled will receive email confirmation. </span></p>
<p class="style6">&nbsp; </p>
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<p align="left" class="style5 style17">—————————————————————– </p> <p align="left" class="style17 style19 style10"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/Videotage_logo.jpg" width="94" height="52"></p>
<p align="left" class="style5 style17"><span class="style1">Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village <BR>
63 Ma Tau Kok Road <BR>
To Kwa Wan, Kowloon <BR>
Hong Kong <BR>
Tel: 852 2573 1869 <BR>
Fax: 852 2503 5978 <BR>
E-mail: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><BR>
<span style="TEXT-DECORATION: none; font-style: normal;" #invalid_attr_id="0px"> <A href="http://emma.ideoconcepts.com/emma/rdr,4108,1,2442353.html">http://www.videotage.org.hk/</A></span></span> </p>
<p align="left" class="style5 style17"><img src="http://www.videotage.org.hk/PD/HKADC.jpg" width="94" height="52"><span class="style11"> </span></p></td>
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<img src="http://emma.ideoconcepts.com/emma/tkr,4108,2442353.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1">