Messages from Athens and Maracaibo

Synch Festival
Electronic Music and Digital Arts
2nd Edition - 1-2-3 July 2005
Lavrio Technological and Science Park, Athens
will be presenting
"Message from behind a Wall" (10:00)
a short film by Agricola de Cologne
filmed in Palestine in February 2005.
The director's short statement:
"The segregation wall in Palestine constructed by the Israeli is a fact.
Its actual goal is not for security reasons, as officially
proclaimed, but to separate the Palestine residential areas from each other.
In November 2004, an artistic action against the wall ended, taking
place at six different places in Palestine where walls were under construction,
initiated by Palestine artists who invited artists from different countries to
paint an artistic message on the concrete.
When I was in Bethlehem in February 2005, I visited several places where the Israeli were erecting the wall.
The part of the wall I was filming, is situated in opposite of the AIDA refugee camp (UN),
and was at that time a temporary playground for children.
And these children made their own contribution to the huge wall paintings.
"Message from behind a Wall", featuring Faten Nasdas, one of the initiators of the wall paintings, is transporting different messages,
but the main message represents the action of children's innocence.
The moving picture is a unique document of the day of 17 February 2005 I am
sure, now, many weeks later, the same place is looking like completely
differently, as the construction of the wall will have been more and more
completed, meanwhile."

A streaming version is also available online on

These info can be found also on
NetEX - networked experience

Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
interactive netbased project environment
curated by Agricola de Cologne and Raquel Partnoy

is currently participating in
Salon de Arte Digital - IV Edicion - Maracaibo 2005
at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo del ZULIA, MACZUL
Maracaibo/Venezuela - 20 June - 03 July 2005

Excerpt of project statement
"The project is referring to the thirty thousands of persons who disappeared during the military
dictatorships of the 20th century in
Argentina, a war of the military against the own population, a genocide, which
is also called "Argentine holocaust".
These disappeared were mainly members of a family like sons and fathers/husbands,
intellectuals and different minded, but many of them also Jews.
Only the resistance of courageous women, the mothers,
better known as "Mother of Plaza de Mayo" against the military regime
changed the country profoundly by organising demonstrations in order to get the
answers what happened to their sons and husbands.
Raquel Partnoy, herself one of the mothers who lost a
son and whose daughter was persecuted and imprisoned, is collaborating as a co-curator.
The project contains a number of authentic
testimonies, a portrait of the Jewish family Partnoy who emigrated in the
beginning of the 20th century from Europe to Argentina, a documentary which
gives an idea how family structure were systematically destroyed while the
military were ruling, further a number of young Argentine female New Media
artists who deal with this traumatic
memory manifested in their net based art works, curated by Agricola de Cologne,
by name Irene Coremberg, Marina Zerbarini, Anahi Caceres and her Arte UNa
network and Andamio Contiguo, an artists collaborative."
These info are released by
Melody Parker-Carter for
and can be found also on
NetEX - networked experience
[email protected]