Made in China - video installation will be screened at Videotage

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<title>MADE IN CHINA - a video installation by Melanie Jackson</title>
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<td width="534" valign="top" class="style15"><p align="left" class="style18">About <em>Made in China </em></p>
<p align="left">Melanie Jackson's video installation <em>Made In China </em> brings together three short videos into one space: two are played back to back on a large suspended screen, and one plays on a monitor. The exhibition weaves together the tale of two Chinese women and their experience of work and migration: one girl travels from the rural provinces of China to the city, uprooting from the family farm to take up work in a cosmetics factory, making false eyelashes. The other, a musician, takes a journey from China to London to study music, including the 'erhu', under English tutorage. </p> <p align="left">Melanie Jackson uses a mixture of animation, staged film, and straight documentary to set up a complex set of relationships between the personal impulses and external influences that lead to certain working and living conditions, and fantasies of escape. The films focus on the girls' patterns and structures of work depicting the discipline this entails in each case. The work also reflects their inevitable implication into patterns of economic and cultural consumption in the West. </p>
<p align="left"><em>Made In China</em> was first screened in Matt's Gallery, London in March 2005, where the artist is represented. It will also screen at Bizart, Shanghai later this year, and again in the UK in 2006. </p>
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<p align="left" class="style19"><strong>About Melanie Jackson </strong></p>
<p align="left">Melanie Jackson was born in Hollywood, West Midlands, England and lives and works in London. She attended the Royal College of Art (1990-1992) and is a Senior Lecturer at Central Saint Martins College of Art, London. Her previous solo shows include Matt's Gallery, Project Arts Centre Dublin, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. </p>
<p align="left">&nbsp;</p> <p align="left"><img src="" width="517" height="107"></p> </td>
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<p align="center"><img src="" width="200" height="157"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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<p align="center" class="style15 style16"><em>Made in China </em>video shots</p>
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<p align="left" class="style5 style17">—————————————————————– </p> <p align="left" class="style17 style19 style10"><img src="" width="80" height="34"></p>
<p align="left" class="style5"><span class="style1">Unit 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village <BR>
63 Ma Tau Kok Road <BR>
To Kwa Wan, Kowloon <BR>
Hong Kong <BR>
Tel: 852 2573 1869 <BR>
Fax: 852 2503 5978 <BR>
E-mail: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><BR>
<A href=",4107,0,2440046.html"></A></span> </p>
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