quasi simultaneous translation, i did the translation because this one
(another of the Song for Europe oddities) is particularly important, the
language making a double fold here, a chiastic movement, encoding of an
encoded fold untsoweiter, so it's important for the whole of the Cathedral
structure, should anyone take an interest in that.

(the different usage of Dutch 'cijfer' - English 'cipher' is quite
interesting etymologically and problematic in translation.

Apparantly the arabic 'sifr' (loan of Sanskrit 'sunya-s' has created a
whole field of divergent meanings, Dutch for instance taking over some
meaning of the French-Italian(-ising of the Latin 'cifra') at a different
_time_ than English, so the meaning of 'coded message' (replacing letters
with numbers) or the key to that coded message (amount of shifting) came
earlier to Dutch and the meaning of 'zero' or 'nothing' is next to obsolete
in Dutch.

A whole complex of dating-grafting that leads you straight to Paul Celan.
And then of course everything gets mixed up in the current perceptual
confusion of number-digit-cypher-null-undefined…

So instead (or if needsbe along with) of regressing to early 20th century
ontology (Nicolai Hartman and stuff), perhaps sweeping the dust of the
science of etymology of that period might be usefull? The field was very
much dismissed by linguistic Structuralism, but if you want to study the
generation of meaning in code systems-information processes, having a look
at how language does it untsoweiter…) is big fun by the way.
