Fwd: Experience the Experience of Being Buried Alive

> Monochrom and Machine Project present…
> Experience the Experience of Being Buried Alive
> Tuesday June 14th 8pm - Midnight
> Machine Project, Los Angeles, CA 90026
> 213-483-8761
> Free
> The people present will have an opportunity to be buried alive in a
> coffin for fifteen minutes. As a framework program there will be
> lectures about the history of the science of determining death and the
> medical cultural history of "buried alive". People buried alive not
> only populate the horror stories of past centuries, but also countless
> reports in specialized medical literature. The theme of unintentional
> resurrection by grave robbers also runs through forensic protocols.
> Even in the 19th century it was said that every tenth person was
> buried alive. No wonder that the fear of this fate was immense and led
> - especially in the German-speaking region - to all kinds of
> precautions to avoid it. Various death test methods were developed,
> for instance. "Security coffins" with bell pulls and air hoses were
> patented; mortuaries were built, in which corpses were left for days
> to natural decay.
> Please note we will actually be buring people alive.
> http://www.machineproject.com/monochrom/buriedalive.php
> Experience The Experience Of Being Buried Alive is the first of four
> performances by Monochrom in Los Angeles. For more information see the
> following links.
> http://www.monochrom.at/experiences/
> http://www.machineproject.com/monochrom/