PRIME wins inaugural peace prize

The Institute of International Education gave Dan Bar-On (an Israeli) and
Sami Adwan (a Palestinian) the inaugural Goldberg IIE prize (
Prize.htm ). This prize is for efforts in trying to build peace in the
Middle East. A press release from the American embassy in Tel Aviv about it
is at

The particular project they were awarded for is called "Learning Each
Other's Historical Narrative". Actually it's quite an interesting project
you might want to check out. As Sami and Dan say:

"This project of the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME)
focuses on teachers and schools as the critical force over the long term for
changing deeply entrenched and increasingly polarized attitudes on both
sides of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The goal of the project is to
"disarm" the teaching of Middle East history in Israeli and Palestinian

I'm proud to host and work on Dan and Sami's site PRIME (Peace Research
Institute in the Middle East) at with my friend Sid
