JavaMuseum: announcement

Monday, 6 June 2005
Memorial Feature and a new structural development
Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is featuring during June, July and August 2005 in a memorial show
the complete online works of Tiia Johannson (Estonia), media artist,
who died much too young only 36 years old in June 2002 in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
Tiia Johannson was during many years one of the most prominent and
active artists who used the Internet for he media artir artistic purposes.
In 2001, she received the JavaArtist of the Year Award given by
Javamuseum for outstanding artists in the fields of net based art.
It is the mission of Tiia Johannson Memorial
at JavaMuseum to keep vivid the memory of this extraordinary talented artist.
JavaMuseum is currently working further on a new structural development.
As the start of the "2nd phase" JavaMuseum will launch in September 2005
a new program series of showcases
curated from the database of netart from 2000-2004.

These showcases will feature only a few artists each time under a new subject or theme.
They will also represent the occasion to show
JavaMuseum as the host of the exhibited works.
Until now, JavaMuseum did not host many works,
but was creating exhibition spaces collecting basically the Internet addresses (URLs) of the works.
Hosting netart works will mean in the specific cases consequently
to guarantee the availability of the repesctive works online for permanent,
even if artists removed their works from the net, which happens sometimes rather quickly.
However, JavaMuseum will not acquire any work and the artists keep all rights on them.
Currently, Javamuseum is running very successfully the "Final Show" of the "1st phase"
featuring netart from the years 2003 and 2004 including 44 artists
JavaMuseum -
is a corporate part of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
info provided by Alex Haupt
NetEX - networked experience

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