Truth - Paradise Found

Truth - Paradise Found
Short Film by Agricola de Cologne
is participating in June 2005 in a streaming version
in SENEF - Seoul Net & Film Festival
1 April - 30 June 2005
in a DVD version in
OBSESSION - International Audio-Video Festival Istanbul/Turkey
02 -08 June 2005
in a Betacam SP version in
International Festival for Short Film and New Images Rome/Italy
17-23 June 2005
Truth- Paradise Found
streaming version —>
(Flash and broadbandwidth Internet connection required)
tells the story of the human desire to be as close to truth as possible
But who ever will succeed while leading a life dominated
by the fast running time and endless searching?
If there is any paradise, then monks or people really resting
within themselves find a paradise close to truth close to GOD.
But is it only truth people are believing in? Is there absolute truth?
The video consists of three sections, a spiritual and
a physical section and the acting level, the artist who is filming the scene,
an intruder who become witness of a ritual of truth.
This basic video was filmed in 2003 at the Rila Monastery,
the spiritual center of Bulgaria.
info provided by Melody Parker Carter
NetEX - networked experience
contact: [email protected]