[Fwd: Programming and Creativity]

From: "T.Cashen" <[email protected]>
TO: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:01:05 AM BST
Subject: FW: 'Programming and Creativity'

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Call for papers for a special issue of 'Digital Creativity' on
'Programming and Creativity'

Digital Creativity is a quarterly journal published by Routledge. See:
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14626268.asp The editors invite
contributions for a special issue on 'Programming and Creativity'to be
published in early 2006.

Important dates:
1 October 2005 Submission of manuscripts
1 December 2005Response from editors
12 January 2006 Final version required
12 February 2006Final queries answered and CRC produced
April 2006 Issue published

Many artists and designers use computers, yet only a few are skilled at
writing programs or other code.Is this a necessary, or a desirable
skill? Or could it actually be harmful? How creative can one be with
computers without a sophisticated ability to control the tools?

We would like to produce an issue based on practical experiences of
artists, designers, performers and educators who either write code, or
teach others to write code, for creative outcomes. We would also like to
include computer scientists and programmers who collaborate with
creative practitioners.

Shorter accounts (up to 2,500 words) that describe objectives,
technologies, techniques, etc. can be valuable. So too can be larger
articles (up to 5,000 words) that are reflective and attempt to make
more general insights.

All articles should be based upon some practical experience. Please use
imagery wherever this is integral to, or complementary to, your written

Instructions for authors can be found
at: <http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14626268.asp>.

Any queries to:
Colin Beardon <[email protected]>

Pall Thayer
