"Prison of Love " touring in Spain--> next venue

"Prison of Love " touring in Spain–> next venue
It is a funny idea to imagine,
that a "prison of love" is touring through the country
like a collection of curios celebrated on a kermis.
In Spain, currently "Prison of Love" (carcel de amor)
and its online part "Violence without Bodies" (violencia sin cuerpos),
the contemporary art show on the theme of gender violence,
continue touring through Spanish museums and stop between 12 May and 19 June at
Hospital de San Juan de Dios. Centro de Arte Contemporaneo, Almagro/Spain,
and of course the subject itself and its correlations are anything else than funny.
Of particular relevance is the online part "Violence without bodies"
curated by Remedios Zafra,
as it shows the relevance of the Internet as a medium and platform for
a new type of "engaged" contemporary art working,
and beyond that represents the show one of a few examples,
that net based art is presented to a broader audience as an equal form of contemporary art,
a status which has net based art, not yet generally.
So, this show has a kind of emancipatory character in different concern und
deserves therefore particular attention,
including net based works by Francesca da Rimini, Natalie Bookchin,
Tina La Porta, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Igor Stromejer, Agricola de Cologne etc
complete list see further ahead.
"Prison of Love" -
Cultural stories on Gender Violence
(Carcel de amor. Relatos culturales sobre la violencia de genero)
A presentation curated by Berta Sichel, Virginia Villaplana and Remedios
Zafra, and Rosa M