Fwd: LTTR in Residence at Printed Matter Summer 2005

Begin forwarded message:


> Printed Matter, Inc. is thrilled to announce that the creators of the
> annual queer feminist art journal LTTR will be in residence at Printed
> Matter this summer working on the next issue of the journal. A series
> of events, lectures, performances and other LTTR activities at Printed
> Matter will revolve around and result in the production of LTTR #4:
> "Do You Wish to Direct Me?". Stay tuned for announcements about
> programs and events at Printed Matter in the months of July and
> August. Printed Matter is located at 535 West 22nd St between 10th and
> 11th Avenues.
> LTTR was formed by artists K8Hardy, Emily Roysdon, and Ginger Brooks
> Takahashi in New York in 2001. In 2005, Lanka Tattersall and Ulrike
> Muller joined as editors. The title of the first issue was an acronym
> for Lesbians To The Rescue. In subsequent issues - each treating a
> different theme - queer and feminist artists, writers, and cultural
> producers play with and re-invent the meanings of the title. In
> addition to publishing the journal, LTTR initiates events, organizes
> exhibitions, and supports and documents the work of a community of
> critical thinkers who reject absolute self-definition and
> identification. Printed Matter welcomes the energy and inventiveness
> of this community into our midst for what we know will be a productive
> and fun summer of collaborative activity.
> For the fourth issue of LTTR, the editors are putting creative
> control in the hands of the contributors. The issue's subtitle, "Do
> You Wish to Direct Me?" was pirated from the 1973 Lynda Benglis video
> "Now" In which she replays the image of herself on a monitor behind an
> image of herself on a monitor behind an image of herself … asking
> and declaring "Now?" "Start the camera!" Self-commanding,
> self-manipulating, and touching a self which is not herself at all,
> this video challenges notions of agency, temporality and polymorphous
> eroticism.
> LTTR invites you to participate in "Do You Wish to Direct Me?" with a
> response, proposal or completed project. Printed Matter will be an
> available work / play / performance space for all LTTR activities
> throughout the summer. In troubled times of vapid vocabularies LTTR
> seeks your agency: Be a bossy bottom! Call back with bravado!
> Elegantly propose your terms of engagement to LTTR by May 15 and then
> keep your ears and eyes open for announcements about Printed Matter's
> summer LTTR programs.
> Send entries to LTTR 402 Graham Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211 or
> [email protected]
> Earlier issues of LTTR are available from Printed Matter's website:
> www.printedmatter.org
> For additional information, please contact Rachel Bers, Programming
> and Website Coordinator at (212) 925-0325 or [email protected]