The artist as sheep, have to be the black sheep...

Hello all,

I would like to remind you that the "Sheep's Parade" deadline is May 15th. "Shep's Parade" is a project of the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That. Browser at:

There, of course< you will find lots of sheep flocks, but curiously all the sheep are different.

You will find there:

1- White sheep

2- Black sheep

3- colorful sheep

4- baby sheep

5- sacrificial lamb

6- 330º sheep

7- dancing shirts sheep

8- piano sheep

9- wolf sheep

10-asci ii sheep

11- poetry sheep

12- teenager sheep

13- movie sheep

14- qtv movie sheep

15- sheep photo

16- pixel sheep for sacrifice

and much more!

If you want to be received with music, do not dorgt of click on the title of the page… ;-)

Oh yes, I forgot the "electric green sheep", that are related to the first Collaborative review of this year, which is analysing Isabel Saij's works.

or (Portugues / Espanhol)

Below some extracts "to make water in your mouth"… ;-)

Do you believe in the human species' CREATION POWER to change our "political landscape"?

"If you mean can we change the political landscape through the power of creativity, I think the answer is both yes and no. I don't think an artwork can change the political landscape, or at least it's very rare for such a thing to happen. However, I think digital technology, particularly the Web, is changing the whole shape of society, and creativity is a part of this." (Edward Picot)

"It depends on the historical circumstances. In general art is innocuous in relation to social changes and revolutions. Nevertheless, when the democratic communication channels are obstructed (as in the dictatorships or under a State of terrorism) Art can replace that deficiency. Art necessarily expresses the social conflict (it cannot be avoid, it is impossible… ) and only can change the society if it gets to transmit the necessity of changes. That is to say, it is not Art that changes Society but people, people that assume the conscience of necessity of changes."
(Clemente Padin)

much more on line…


It seems to me very charming although dramatic this Isabel Saij's almost animated series of 3D images for which the Artist wrote the poetic declaration above. The use of colors is excellent and it punctuates the drama that is developed through the pictures. The way Saij uses different points of view increases the observer's interest who becomes more and more interested in discover what is going to happen in the next scene… The electric green sheep are teeny robots, a probable allusion to all that Saij has already revealed us in "Political Transparence". For me this is a fantastic series, I do not tire of observing it and everytime I discover new details and minutiaes which I really consider surprising. Congratulations Isabel!
(The download is very fast!)


"The starting point (first frame) of this animation is a drawing on a small plank of wood, measuring approximately 6x5 cm. After to scanthis small plank I created new drawings using the computer, each time I worked on the preceding drawing to develop a new phase. Result: 110 drawings. As they follow one another I could make an assembly of them, therefore an animation. I called it "digital sublimation" because I was thinking of the chemical transformation. It's when a material goes directly from the solid form to the gaseous one.

Normally the 3 stages are: solid, liquid, gaseous."
(Isabel Saij)


"One of the most disastrous illusions will not be that which consists in looking at the artistic expression as a specialists' activity, separated from the alive problems' reality? On the other hand, it seems to us, that any creation, whichever the level in which it situates and whichever are the ideologies that justify it, it is in immediate relation with this collective freedom, perpetually sprouting, which animates human reality, shakes the numbest or the most stratified structures and projects the human groups in the mutation, in the future, in the history."
(DUVIGNAUD, Jean. Sociologia da Arte. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Forense, 1970.)


For a while, let’s breathe the hilarious gas at the "Bagdah Cafe". Let's become volatile in spite of the hardness of reality. Perhaps being volatile we can decipher our own labyrinth and to get a creative exit to our lives. Let's start to change the world by ourselves…, let's become colourful sheep like Paulo Villela's happy flock … ( Paulo Villela)


in this point I agree with Saij: we are all sheep
but neither all of us are white (or green)
the sheep's paper artist, is to be the black sheep:
to see when nobody sees.
to shout when nobody shout
(joeser Alvarez)

Would not you like to read the complete review (until now!)?

or (Portugues / Espanhol)

YES, the first review 2005 continues, it is not ready yet! Do you wish to join us?

All the best,

Regina Celia Pinto
