Fwd: MAKE News No. 11

Begin forwarded message:
> —————————————-
> The Latest from http://www.makezine.com/
> —————————————-
> MAKE News No. 11 – MAKE subscriptions now available!
> https://www.pubservice.com/MK/Subnew.aspx?PC=MK&PK=M5ZMNSA
> April 29, 2005
> =================
> Hello Makers! We scour the world for Makers making things and each week
> there appears to be a notable increase in people bending technology how
> they see fit. Why is this? Have we reached a saturation of new gadgets
> and
> now take the time to mix and mash them up to do what we want them to
> do?
> Or is it that we're simply not afraid to take things apart, knowing
> that
> our devices have become practically disposable. As Earth Day just
> passed,
> we also asked ourselves if reusing old technology to make new things is
> good for the environment? Or would it just be better to recycle them
> and
> buy new equipment?
> The WEEE Man ((Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment) says some of
> us
> may dispose of 3.3 tons of gear over our lifetime:
> http://www.weeeman.org/. How much do you save? How much do you sell or
> buy
> on eBay? Give away? Hack?
> We're pondering these questions just like everyone else, and we're
> excited
> about documenting the struggles, the successes, and the growing
> community
> of hackers, modders, and Makers out there. What have you hacked for the
> planet lately?
> MAKE: Extras
> ==========
> New features on the MAKE site! Want some extras that aren't in the
> magazine? Click on over and check these out.
> =