Upcoming in April / May - NOVA Fair and Version5 NFO Expo / Chicago - Funkadelicide / NYC

Hello All:
Just an update on some shows coming up this week and next.
Hope all is well and to see you soon.




Curated by D. Dominick Lombardi

Yoshiaki Asai, Chaval, Chuck Connelly, Linda Dennis, Rodney Dickson
Joan Fabian, Lori Field, Blaine Fontana, Charles Glaubitz, Steven Hazard
Clarke Jackson, Joshua Krause, Pan Xing Lei, Tim McCormick, Ninko Ouzou
Armand Rusillon, Savako, Jason Sherry, Howard Stier, Eve Stockton
Carl Van Brunt, Lee Wells, Jeanne Wilkinson, Dan Witz

May 4th to May 21st

Opening, May 4th, 6-8pm
Broadway Gallery

473 Broadway
7th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Tel. 212 274 8993
Tues. - Sat. 10 - 6

Sponsored by:
Roger Smith Hotel
Special thanks to:
DFN Gallery
Lunarbase Gallery
Van Brunt Gallery


The Lobby Gallery is pleased to announce our participation in Chicago's
spring art fairs. The gallery will have booths at the NOVA Young Art
Fair in the West Loop and the Version 5: NFO Expo at the Zhou B Center
at 35th and Morgan. We will be exhibiting the work of ten emerging
artists from Chicago, New York, Toronto, and London Thursday, April 28
through Sunday, May 1. While you're out and about stop by the Lobby
Gallery on Saturday to see Nina Leo's installation, "Traces." Gallery
hours are Saturday, noon-5pm.

Participating artists:

Scott Bowe, New York
JB Daniel, Chicago
DBI, Stonybrook, NY
Nina Leo, Toronto
Maslen & Mehra, London
Lori Nix, New York
Timothy Ripley, Chicago
MM Robinson, Chicago
Lee Wells, New York
Summer Zandrew, Chicago

see images at: http://www.lobbygallery.com

NOVA Young Art Fair
850 and 840 W. Washington in Chicago's West Loop
Thursday, April 28, 10pm-2am opening reception
Friday, April 29, noon-8pm
Saturday, April 30, noon-8pm
Sunday, May 1, noon-6pm

Version 5: NFO Expo
Zhou B Center
1029 W. 35th Street (35th and Morgan)
Saturday, April 30, noon-8pm
Friday, May 1, noon-8pm

The Lobby Gallery
731 N. Sangamon
Chicago, IL 60622
312.952.1823 mobile
312.432.4327 voice
[email protected]

Lee Wells
Brooklyn, NY 11222

917 723 2524