FWD: New internet TV project

begin forwarded message:

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know about a new organization and project
that the Downhill Battle crew has started. The project is to make a
decentralized independent video platform that will let people
broadcast and watch channels at virtually no cost. We're developing
open source software as part of a new organization called the
Participatory Culture Foundation. Take a look at our initial


There will be lots more news over the next few weeks as our publishing
and viewing software gets closer to completion.

We are particularly interested in making sure that there is a good
independent music video channel when we launch the software. If you
are interested in organizing something like that and have some
experience running a website or working with music videos, email
Tiffiniy at [email protected]. It would actually be a fairly simple
project but would require some consistent attention to add new videos.

