Parking Public :: Tour & Survey updates

The Temporary Travel Office has updated its most recent tour project:
Parking Public: a Tour of Private Openspace Around Hollywood Blvd

"Where shall they park? The answer became clear as more and more
municipalities, from Los Angeles to smaller centers, voted for
city-funded open lots. At mid-decade, Andrew Mellon, secretary of the
treasury, told Colliers magazine that he would like to move the
Washington Monument for more parking lots."
A Brief History of Parking: The Life and After-life of Paving the
Planet, Jane Holtz Kay, Architecture Magazine, February 2001

There is now a web-accessible form for contributing written responses
to the database of utopian destinations, as well as a phone service
(courtesy of audioblogger) for leaving voice messages. Responses have
been slow coming, so if you have a destination in mind - please add it.
For a feed of the responses:
The tour guide is available as a PDF download and images from the tour
can also now be viewed online.

Visit the Temporary Travel Office online