New books and cds at the library of the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That

Also are now part of the museum's collections the following books and cds:

1- Books:

"Ciencia, Arte e Metafora na Poesia de Augusto dos Anjos" por Jorge Luiz Antonio (A)
"O Anjo de Estuque" by Jean Baudrillard (B)
"Restos" by Raymundo Amado Goncalves (G)
"Luz & Letra / Ensaios de Arte, Literatura e Comunicacao" by Eduardo Kac (K)
"The healing spirit of the haiku" by David Rosen e Joel Weishaus (R e W) - Do you remember the last collaborative review of 2004? Yes? This is the same Joel Weishaus, a wonderful writer! You can read his book's review at the adress above.

The newsletter collaborative review adrees is

2- CDs:

> "A Human Being Called David Daniels"

That's second anniversary's commemorative edition. Also it is a homage to the surprising American poet David Daniels and his shape poetry. The CD-ROM contents are: The series of poems "Humans" by David Daniels: A poetical interview with David Daniels by Jorge Luiz Antonio and Regina Celia Pinto: A review by Jorge Luiz Antonio: And the visual poem/bio "A human being called David Daniels" by Regina Celia Pinto.

>Gauche Droite por Carolnie CHIK (France)

Regina Celia Pinto