Everything is always perfect in the virtual cities or museums found on the Internet but...

Dear Friends,

Everything is always perfect in the virtual cities or museums found on the Internet, but the Museum's space does not work that way. Instead, its operations aim at fulfilling the dictates of the principle of reality. For example, the Summer's and Winter Festival is finishing today, with a delay of about 15 days! The reason? Well it is not easy to manage a museum of this size but lately, as you certainly know, the museum is being invaded by sheeps' flocks (http://arteonline.arq.br/sheep ), and during the Easter's
holiday the sheep ran away from their gallery and spreading theirselves by all the museum. It was difficult to control and to place to their own location such sheep's' quantity, for you have an idea, the "360th sheep" that Rob Myers sent us insisted on form a halo around the museum… But finally, it seems that everything came back to calm, then you have here the complete Festival (http://arteonline.arq.br , go down by the scrollbar
until the link or go direct to http://arteonline.arq.br/festival ):



>>At Lake's Gallery

Dea Junqueira - "Dream Water Cloud Life"
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Pixel Painting Poetry is the best definition to Dea Junqueira's dream. pay
attention to the colors!

>>At Esthetic of Tragedy Gallery

Astrea El-Jaick - "Antagonistas"
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro / Salvador
Folklore Parades' Photos which, joined with fragments of Raymundo Amado Goncalves' poetry*, form a very contemporary poetic narrative.
*from the poetry book "Restos" by Raymundo Amado Goncalves, 2004.

>>At Library of Marvels

Regina Celia Pinto - Alice in the "Wonderbalcony"
Brazil / Rio de Janeiro
GENRE: pixel painting (a big size one, use both scroll bars) and artist's ebook.
KEYWORD: Lewis Carrol, sense / non sense, mot valise, pixel painting, video, game, Alice in the Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass.

>>At the Video Room

Alvaro Ardevol - "Legers Libertinages Sabbatiques"
Spain, Net.Artist
A series of interesting images that sometimes remind us Mondrian, but a Mondrian organic and animated, other remit us to the mysteries of body's interior, with their cells and liquid in movement. The version is in French, what gives a delicious flavor to the film.

Regina Celia Pinto. - "O Sole Mio", a homage to Vittorio De Sica
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro "O Sole Mio" shows a very small but infinitely beautiful portion of the De Sica's film "Miracle in Milan", it illustrates perfectly the subject "Summer and Winter Festival". "Miracle in Milan" is a tale with great humanism and
warmth. It's very sentimental and more like a fairy tale, and should
probably be classed as a comedy, although it deals with serious matters.
EXTRA: (Regina Celia Pinto)
"Days of Jazz and ducks", some moments are so sweet…

>>At the Games Room

Isabel Aranda - ascii-XXX-YTO
Chile - http://www.escaner.cl
The oldest game of the world… made with the contemporary duo ascii and Flash…

Laura Modedia - Tangran
Argentina - http://www.modedia.com
The Geometry of the ancient game "Tangran" , now on line



>>At Lake's Gallery

Christina Della Giustina- "Water Diary"
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Water Diary" is the daily practice of taking one photograph of water and writing down notes on water on a daily on-line up-load.
"Water diary 01" is a collection of images and texts, taken and written on a daily base between July 25, 2003, and May 13, 2004, resulting in a 'water map' of Amsterdam (digital print: 409 x 324 cm, May 2004).
During the month of June 2004 the "Water diary" continued, while the
photographs and notes are collected at the confluence of the River Hull and the River Humber in Kingston upon Hull, UK, during a one-month residency at 'Time Based Arts', Hull, UK, resulting in the 'water diary 02' website.
The "Water Diary" continues. Water always keeps on trying to get back to where it comes from.

>>Dans la Galerie Frontieres entre Net.Art, Web.Art et Art Aujourd'hui

Caroline CHIK - "Gauche-Droite"
Redige une these de doctorat a l'Universite Paris 8 sur le mouvement et la temporalite de l'image issue d'une prise de vues dans l'animation interactive. Travaille actuellement sur differents projets de pieces interactives mettant en jeu la relation entre la fixite et le mouvement de l'image,
dont les Folioscopes interactifs (Interactive Flipbooks).
Ce cd-rom propose une animation interactive ayant pour theme le mouvement, celui de l'homme et de la nature. Il met en oeuvre des photographies (de pose longue) et des sequences video prenant pour modele les chronophotographies du XIX eme siecle. Il tente de souligner avec quelque ironie l'aspect parfois illusoire de l'interactivite, en proposant ou plutot en imposant au spectateur un parcours lineaire et systematique dont il ne peut s'echapper : cliquer a gauche, puis a droite, et ainsi de suite.
Pourtant l'interactivite n'en est pas moins essentielle, qui joue sur les arrets et (re)animations de l'image, sur l'ambiguite entre fixite et mouvement, parfois en frustrant le spectateur, parfois en le surprenant …

>>At the Clonning and WEB Gallery

Lisa Hutton - "Alt.Zygote"
USA - http://www.lisahutton.net/
Lisa is an artist working primarily in digital imaging, net art, video, animation, and text. She received her MFA from the University of California San Diego in 1999. She has been getting along very well with computers since 1987 and is sometimes seen using rollerblades.
This project addresses the microbiology of human reproduction and
infertility while taking the form of a game whose goal is reproductive
success. A moving field of photomicrographs, x-rays, and sonography,
occupies the right of the screen. By moving the mouse over this field the user may find the hidden links leading to reproductive results. The left side contains observations of nature and science from Aristotle, Linnaeus, Georges Braque, Vannevar Bush, and Max Frisch. The game runs in an infinite loop.

>>At the Gallery Esthetic of Tragedy

Eric Collet: "Happy New WAR"
Franca, http://www.ericcollet.com
A very tragic and real "carte de voeux 2004". It expresses perfectly our
time in its raw and minimal criticism. Collet's design get this only
changing two letters of a traditional and well known: Happy New Year.

>>At the Electronic Poetry Gallery

>Jordons Francisco (Brazil) - "Blind"
He works with digital art since 1990. His inspiration is the world.
"Blind" is a sequence of History of Art's images that changes into letters
on mouse over.

>Martha Deed (USA) e Regina Celia Pinto (Brasil) - "Stuck in Middletown"
Martha Deed ( http://www.sporkworld.org/Deed ) is a writer and poet based in western New York.
Martha Deed is the author of the excellent Poem and Photos, called "Stuck in Middletown". Regina Pinto just prepared the poem and the photos to be seen on line. She also was the cartoon's author which has for goal to heat the work. Perhaps it is the coldest work of the Winter festival: lots and lots and lots of snow!

At the Video Room

Michael Szpakowski - "My Secret Garden"
UK - Artist and composer
This is not one of the last Szpakowski's Films but it is one that I quite appreciate, during the movie we can watch an incredible transformation: clouds >face (Szpakowski's Face?) and face > clouds. Somehow, besides the distance in time, we believe that "My Secret Garden" and "The Red Shoes" (see below) are related. Szpakowski is composer, therefore attention for the sound, which owns a slight eastern flavor.

Michael Szpakowski - "The Red Shoes"
UK - Artist and composer
I really like Szpakowski's "The Red shoes" movie. While watching "The Red Shoes", I fell sadness at the beggining and hope at the end. I love to imagine that sorrow and pain can be overcomed through a dancing with red shoes. Also I love the point of view Szpakowski used to film the red shoes.
An interesting and sensitive movie!

>>At the Games Room

>BABEL - Eisenstein's Monster
Canada - http://babel.391.org
Babel is one of the most well-known cyberspace's net.artists. Babel has created a long collection of works in this area. A visit to his site is an obligation to one who wants to know excellent web.art.

Eisenstein's Monster - Make your own monster. Have fun!

>Jason Van Anden - Farklempt! 1.0
USA - http://www.smileproject.com/
The central theme of Jason Van Anden's work is an ongoing investigation into how our individual behavior impacts the world around us. In 1996, he began creating software based systems that simulated human interaction, inspired by the repetitive behavior he observed taking place in ongoing group therapy. This investigation evolved into "The Smile Project", an installation of robotic, cybernetic sculptures that play out these systems in real time and space. Traditionally trained as a sculptor, with a career
as a software architect, Jason Van Anden creates artworks that are visually compelling and technologically sophisticated.
Managing ones' feelings is essential to getting along in the world. Keeping emotions inside can be just as damaging as just letting them flow. Farklempt! is a multiplayer, online videogame that challenges players to manage their emotional-health and maintain relationships through the skillful manipulation of feelings against other players trying to do the same.
Farklempt! was commissioned by Rhizome.org with the support of The Greenwall, Warhol and Jerome Foundations, and was unveiled at Dorkbot NYC on January 5th, 2005 at Location One in Soho. The event was featured in Wired online, and has received attention from publications as diverse as Slashdot, USA Today who said "You will not see another game like this one for many a day, we suspect, unless someone finds a way to squeeze a copy of The Sims until the pure essence comes out".



Hot Links Cool Links

This is a links collection to Web.art / Net.Art works that call our
attention lately.

1- "ART IF I WANT" (DE L'ART SI JE VEUX), by Nicolas Clauss


The paths of contemporary art are so numerous and sometimes so radical that it is amazing, if not useful, to wonder how a naive audience views it; this instance, adolescents from a working-class area. Beyond any cultural references, all genuine interpretations teach us a great deal. For several months, the young participants were surrounded by significant works of the 20th century. They then gave expression to their impressions through film, interviews, surfing the Net, creating their own images, reflecting a world that might appear inaccessible. The gamble was to create a work of art from this happy undertaking of demystification, this dream factory. Using photos, videos and sound, these young people share with us, through interactive creations, their impressions and their own relationship with Art and the artists* they chose.

2- "REPERCUSSION" by Carla Diana


Carla Diana is a new media artist focused on the balance between the
technical and the creative. Play with her amazing collection of digital musical instruments for performance and exploration!

3- Website do Artista Plastico Bahiano Jayme Fygura


Living at Ladeira do Carmo, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, the artist tells that Pelourinho is his starting point, his "cocoon". Sleeping in a coffin, he confesses that he likes the sensation of, while getting up, feel himself revived. His website is pure performance!

4- "On Lionel Kearns" by Jim Andrews

"On Lionel Kearns" is a tribute to the pioneer Canadian poet Lionel Kearns. Jim Andrews, the Author of the work, explores Kearns texts, visual poems and poetic videos, joining all of this with your interactive visual programming experience. The result is much more than a digital poem, than a documentary, than a video (interactive) or than a essay. An admirable and very serious work!

5- "Re-Institutionalize # 06: The Old Cemetery" (Interview: Heike Wetzig & Kristofer Paetau, February 2005)


"A night walk through an old cemitery on 25 December, 2004 in Lovisa,
Finland. My intention was not just to make a picture series of a cemetery. I wanted to communicate my experience - the emotional and the mental disposition during my walk. I was on a night walk on 25 December because I felt very sad and wanted to compose my thoughts outside in fresh air. Then, somehow, I ended up there, and that place seemed to me wonderfully extraterrestrial…"

6- "Lucia Guanaes Photographies" by Lucia Guanaes


Lucia Guanaes left Brazil in 1977 to live in France. Their photos have been object of lots of prizes. Multiplying their trips to Brazil she introduces very well the several aspects of our popular culture. Her site is an artistic opportunity to know Brazil much more better.

7- "Land of Broken Promise"s by Margaret Penfold


Margaret Penfold is an English(UK) writer that owns a romantic garden in the middle of the cyberspace. Her garden is a place that seduces me and to which I come back often. There I find interesting information about all kind of plants. Margaret's garden makes me believe in a possibility of a flowery and peaceful world. Perhaps Margaret Penfold could adopt the pseudonym of Margaret Penflower.

8- "oh" by Jennifer Hill-Kaucher, Dan Waber, Reiner Strasser


"oh" is an interactive audio-visual poem based on a visual poem by Dan
Waber, created on a short poem by Jennifer Hill-Kaucher. "oh" is Poetry, sense of humour and Reiner Strasser'sensitive design and excellent programming.

9- Violencia Sin Cuerpos (Violence Without Bodies), Curator: Remedios Zafra


A very well developed project- " love jail, cultural reports on gender
violence. "The invisible writing, the blind eye and another forms
(fragmented) of power and Gender violence in the Internet."

Artists: Prema Murthy, Natalie Bookchin, Francesca da Rimini, Agricola de Cologne, Robert Nideffer, Sonya Rapoport y Marie-Jose Sat, Auriea Harvey y Michael Samyn, Intima, Margot Lovejoy, Melinda Rackham, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Anne-Marie Schleiner, Faith Wilding y Hyla Willis, Cristina Buendia, Tina La Porta, Cindy Gabriela Flores, Guerrilla Girls.


..And do not forget of sending me your SHEEP until MAY 15 th and, please answer the question below:


Send your sheep and answers to: [email protected] or
[email protected]


Regina Celia Pinto
