Re: Call for submissions: 1st Bachelors Prize for Net-Literature

<is calling
for entries in a
productive net-literature competition. In accordance
with the nature of
the venture, participation is restricted to men.>

this is appalling - semi literate drivel used to
'justify' nasty and reactionary practice.

What next - whites only competitions?

— Johannes Auer <[email protected]> wrote:

> Literaturhaus Stuttgart: Call for submissions
> 1st Bachelors' Prize for Net-Literature
> What characterizes net-literature? The fact that is
> has to do with
> computers linked to the net, and that it can't
> simply be transferred
> one-to-one onto paper, of course. And so "net" is
> the most significant,
> primary element of the compound.
> So far, what has not been at the center of focus is
> the actual writing
> apparatus, the computer itself, the universal
> machine, and if one is to
> believe Dieter Daniels, a bachelors' machine. Marcel
> Duchamp, inventor
> of the "Machine Celibataire" defined it in the
> succinct and cogent
> phrase "short-circuit on desire".
> Submissions to be made via the competition website
> The 1st Bachelors' Prize for Net-Literature is aimed
> at making the
> sterile bachelors' machine fertile and is calling
> for entries in a
> productive net-literature competition. In accordance
> with the nature of
> the venture, participation is restricted to men.
> Issues to be examined and possibly revised are:
> - the cliche of the hacker, without any contact to
> the opposite sex and
> hence in permanent "bachelor mode" (Daniels),
> sitting at his computer
> night after night, trying to penetrate strange
> systems.
> - the topos of the computer-obsessed man who has
> been dreaming
> ceaselessly of the machine as the perfect lover ever
> since E.T.A.
> Hoffmann's tale "The Sandman".
> - the discriminatory claim that there is a male
> passion for frickeling
> around instead of producing art.
> Interested women and Haecksen are advised to inform
> themselves of the
> relevant prizes sponsoring women and of scholarships
> for net-literature
> (Willemer Prize, "Die Hoege" etc.).
> Submissions to be made via the competition website
> The 1st Bachelor's Prize for Net-Literature will be
> awarded in the
> Literaturhaus Stuttgart during the festival Code


, Plasma Studii

> <is calling
> for entries in a
> productive net-literature competition. In accordance
> with the nature of
> the venture, participation is restricted to men.>
>this is appalling - semi literate drivel used to
>'justify' nasty and reactionary practice.

i don't know, don't have any idea why else they'd say it. maybe just
trying to be funny. can't imagine a rational reason why genitals of
either kind would have to do with much of anything here. it's a dumb
rule, but ineffectual.

not like they can peek inside your pants. girls, send em your
art/writing. if you win, it's money. in 5 years you can decide if
it's worth a line in your resume, long after folks will have
forgotten the boys-only rule.

michael, you could just swamp them with feminist stuff, a CGI that
auto-submits guerilla girls headlines to them. that'd be funny if
they got 10,000 entries about the percentages of women represented in
galleries. be even poetic if you trick them into hitting the "go"

have fun.