FW: "IN Network" Sleep Webcast

—— Forwarded Message
From: Michael Mandiberg <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:00:09 -0500
To: [email protected]
Subject: "IN Network" Sleep Webcast

IN Network Sleep Webcast

Michael Mandiberg and Julia Steinmetz

From their bedtime at 11PM in Los Angeles, and 2AM in New York, until
they wake eight hours later, the artists Michael Mandiberg and Julia
Steinmetz will sleep together on the phone. Separated by three time
zones and 3000 miles, they curl up in the same sonic space.
Connected via cell phone, they will hear the sound of each other
breathing, tossing and turning, snoring, etc. This audio will be
webcast real-time as they sleep.

This sleep webcast is part of IN Network their month long extended
cell phone life-art performance about distance, communication,
intimacy, telepresence, and living together while apart. In August
2004 Michael moved to New York; Julia remained in Los Angeles,
postponing her move until the end of April because of commitments to
her job and her collaborative art practice. Faced with most of a year
apart, one of the things they did was switch both of their cell
phones to a provider with free "IN Network" service.

Michael and Julia started out having normal conversations, giving
each other updates about their days, and sending cameraphone pictures
back and forth, etc. As they switched to using hands-free
microphones, they began using the phone differently. What began as a
pragmatic attempt to make their relationship last the separation
through good communication, turned into something less about
communication and more about intimacy and presence through
technology, and sharing sonic-virtual space.

During the month of March the artists are presenting this cell-phone
life-art performance via a Photo Moblog and Podcast on
Turbulence.org. In addition to these webcasts, the IN Network site
will hosts a Podcast of recordings of their phone conversations, and
all of their text and picture messages. The schedule of sleep
webcasts is below.

IN Network Sleep Webcast Schedule:
Tuesday, April 15th, roughly 11PM PST to Wednesday, April 16th,
roughly 7:30AM PST
Wednesday, April 16th, roughly 9PM PST to Thurs, April 17th, roughly 5:30AM
Tuesday, April 22n, roughly 11PM PST to Wednesday, April 23rd,
roughly 7:30AM PST
Wednesday, April 23rd, roughly 9PM PST to Thurs, April 24th, roughly 5:30AM

IN Network Sleep Webcast:

Free Real Player (Required for webcast):

IN Network Website

IN Network Podcast (RSS 2.0 Feed)

Contact Info
juliasteinmetz -at- yahoo -dot- com
michael -at- mandiberg -dot- com

IN Network is a 2005 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts,
(aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was made possible
with funding from the Jerome Foundation.

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