Project Features|| March'05 featuring Mary Flanagan

"Project Features" <>
is happy to present during March 2005
its third feature:
Mary Flanagan (USA)
and her interactive netart piece, entitled:
"[six.circles]" (2004).
[six.circles] is a networked one or two player turn based game which
explores the consequences of cooperation and competition through the
construction of simple geometry objects. Players interact with the game
by construct groups of shapes which eventually are built up into
complete circles, but they do so amidst attacks by virus objects which
invade the community. In the abstracted space, there are virus objects
and "good juju" pieces that can often cure disease. As the game
progresses, players must attach illness pieces to some shapes every so
many turns, and as players build circles, illness spreads down the
chain, infecting it turn by turn. When all the pieces of a given chain
are infected, the infection changes with each turn to a full-blown
diseased piece that can no longer be assimilated into a circle. If an
entire chain is diseased, it spawns new disease pieces with each turn.
Players have to negotiate and sacrifice to cooperatively solve the
problem, prevent the spread of the disease, while still attempting to
win the game by creating six circles