Dear all,

Today, Women's International Day, we are:

1- Launching a new work: "STUCK IN MIDDLETOWN"


Is is another Summer and Winter Festival piece: "Stuck in Middletown" is a poem, a photo-album and a cartoon. It is a collaborative work between two women: Martha Deed (USA) and me (BR).

Enjoy and if possible send us a feedback.


2- Launching the museum newsletter's collaborative reviews new series / 2005:


The title is a reference to the work of our first analyzed artist - the French artist Isabel Saiji and to Internet with its electric green. This series will show some wonderful women that come standing by their active participation in our virtual world. While examining their works at museum's galleries, we will be knowing their ideas, dreams and actions. Also we will be ratifying that the world of the technology is woman's world today. For now, three women from three different continents will be subject of our review.
And what about the men?… Well…they can not complain because in 2004 we analysed three men works and only one work by a woman! ;-)

So that let's prepare ourselves for talking with Isabel Saiji next April. I am using the word "talking" because I want that the review becomes more opened, that means that anybody can participate. One do not need to cite authors or to be an academic to take part in it, at the same time, it is not forbidden to cite authors or to be an academic for participate. Let's browser http://www.iis.com.br/~regvampi/museu/netartwebart/isabelsaij.htm
where is Saiji's work at the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That. It will be our review starting point . Also it will be good to browser Saiji's site at http://www.saij-netart.de/.

If you want to be a newsletter member send an email to
[email protected] telling this.


3- A new call:


We are launching a funny call: the "Fall and Spring's Sheeps
Parade". Send your sheep image, drawing, painting, photo, animation - any kind of sheep: Dolly ( coming back to clonning…), white, fashion, shock pink, electric green, what sheep you imagine, even the famous black sheep will be welcome!

The sheeps deadline will be May 15 th 2005. Send how many sheeps you want, I want to see the Museum of the Essential and Beyond That invaded by a sheeps' herd !!!!! ;-)

Send your sheep to [email protected] , email subject: "sheep"

Project's origin:
