
Has anyone seen this: http://11somerset.com/jeu ? It's a (Flash) game.
Pretty well done I suppose. Sort of (little yawn by now) Myst like. This
apparently accompanies a TV show called 11 Somerset set in Montreal. I
gather it's a show on the Space channel (see http://11somerset.com ). I
haven't seen the TV show. Anyone seen it? Any good? I did I and II in 'The
Society of Enigmas'. They were OK. The first one was intriguing. The second
one was OK but a lot like the first one. I started the third one but it was
a lot like the previous two.

If anyone has seen the TV show, I'd be interested in hearing about the
relation between the show and the site. Do they go well together? Do you
appreciate each one better having experienced the other?

This site sort of reminds me of the Donnie Darko site in a way: a relatively
ambitious/imaginative site that goes with a piece of film or TV.
