Winter's Poems by Regina Vater


Rio de Janeiro - 40 graus !
Delicious beach!

To refresh, the Summer and Winter Festival continues at the museum's
library - Gallery of Electronic Poetry, featuring the "Winter's Poems" by Regina Vater:

The "Winter's Poems are a collection of three visual poems: Parrise,
Babelo(NY)A and WeekEND. The electronic version of these poems is full of mystery and suspense but the poems remain incredibly beautiful, beautiful not, very very beautiful!

This collection also is a colaborative work because the electronic portion (Flash, html e Java Script) is mine.

If you did not know Regina Vater yet, she was, among other things, the
curator of the exhibition "Brazilian Visual Poetry Show", where she featured her Poetry / Instalation "Camoes Feast". To know more about the importance of that exhibition and about the artist Regina Vater, read her interview at:

Until the end of the Summer / Winter, new attractions of the festival
will be exhibited at the library of the museum. So that, wait, because many news still will be featured.

Regina Celia Pinto



Calor de 40 graus no Rio de Janeiro!
Praia deliciosa!

Para refrescar o Festival de Verao e Inverno apresenta na biblioteca,
Galeria de Poesia Eletronica, os "Poemas de Inverno", de Regina Vater.

Os "Poemas de Inverno" sao uma colecao de tres poemas visuais: Parrise,
Babelo(NY)A e WeekEND. Em sua versao eletronica os poemas ganharam misterio e suspense mas continuam incrivelmente belos - belos nao, belissimos!

Essa colecao e tambem um trabalho colaborativo pois a parte eletronica
(Flash, html e Java Script) e de minha autoria.

Se voce ainda nao a conhece, Regina Vater foi, entre outras coisas, a
curadora da exposicao "Brazilian Visual Poetry Show", onde tambem participou com a Poesia / Instalacao Festa de Camoes. Para saber mais sobre a importancia dessa exposicao e sobre a artista Regina Vater, leia a sua entrevista em:

Ate o final do Verao / Inverno as novas atracoes do festival estarao sendo exibidas na biblioteca do primeiro andar. Aguardem, muitas novidades ainda serao apresentadas.

Regina Celia Pinto
