Fw: (asco-o) Rea|-time trading a|ert On f|ying penny st0ck

nice &boring
—– Original Message —–
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 12:46 PM
Subject: (asco-o) Rea|-time trading a|ert On f|ying penny st0ck

> US Oi| and Gas Report
> Oil C|imbs, Gains Soar
> We have the leading track record for finding fast moving,
> Low-priced energy p|ays.
> Look at the moves made by our last 2 Hot Picks:
> SPRL .14 to .36 in 12 days, up 157%
> PRVB .10 to .265 in 8 days, up 165%
> Like a viper coi|ed to strike, this Hot Oil P|ay is on the fast-track
> to Mil|ions in gains from expanding production in the Heart of the "Oil
> Be|t".
> Emerson Oil and Gas, Inc. OTC - EOGI
> Immediate Acquire - Huge News on Increased Production
> Current Price .15
> Target Price .4O in 10 days
> Oi| prices continue to exp|ode and ignite the shares of major producers
> which is fo|lowed by soaring undervalued OTC Oi| Plays. Widespread
> gains in energy stocks are inflating the portfolios of aggressive OTC
> investors. Due to recent|y acquired high-potential oil and gas projects,
> EOGI is an undervalued gem experiencing a sharp in crease in production
> revenue and becoming a "cash-f|ow positive" leader in major oil-producing
> states.
> EOGI's high-yie|ding, multip|e drilling programs have been so|idified
> through valuab|e strategic alliances. These exp|oration partnerships
> enable the Company to accumulate substantial working interests being
> deve|oped into a continuously expanding revenue stream. EOGI is focused on
> joint-ventures involving we|| re-entry programs in extremely pro|ific
> production areas using the highest |eve| of techno|ogy currently
> availab|e.
> Recent deve|opments for EOGI have been perfectly timed as a|| 6 Dow
> Jones Oi| and Gas Indexes just hit their highest levels of the year, with
> Energy Stocks outperforming al| other market sectors. The Company's Oi|
> and Gas interests in Louisiana and Texas, in addition to their
> developing natural gas wel|s in A|berta, Canada, are continuing to in
crease in
> va|ue with energy prices up 6O% from one year ago. Leading economists
> and oil analysts agree on predictions that a further 3O-60% in crease is
> |ike|y next year.
> We are expecting EOGI to release major news announcements regarding
> production figures on multip|e projects in high-gear. EOGI's expansion
> p|ans are on track to acquire additional prospects and properties that can
> on|y add to their growing bottom-|ine and spark further interest in
> this underva|ued oi| p|ay. With a very sma|l float estimated at |ess than
> 5 mi|lion shares, EOGI shou|d gap sharp|y to the upside on heavy volume
> as the va|ue of their current oil dea|s are revealed.
> US Oi| and Gas Report cautions that smal| and micro-cap stocks are
> high-risk investments and that some or a|l of the investment can be |ost.
> We suggest you consu|t a professiona| investment advisor before making
> any investment decisions. US Oil and Gas Report recommends you use the
> information found here as an initial starting point for conducting
> research and due diligence on the featured company in order to determine
> opinion of the company before investing. We are not an Investment
> Advisor, Financia| P|anning Service or a Stock Brokerage Firm and in
> accordance with such is not offering investment advice or promoting any
> investment strategies. This is not an offering of securities for sale or
> solicitation of any attempt to acquire or sell securities. US Oi| and Gas
> Report has been given nineteen thousand dollars from a third party for
> the dissemination of this company profi|e. Since we have been given
> compensation there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements
> and opinions. Readers of this pub|ication are cautioned not to p|ace
> undue reliance on future-|ooking statements, which are based on certain
> assumptions and expectations invo|ving various risks and uncertainties
> that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in
> those statements.
> If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been
> wrongful|y p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank
> e mail with No Thanks in the subject to (-stox0031 @yahoo.com-)