Launching, Cocktail and Projections

The artists:

Aloysio Novis / RJ, Brazil / "Plein Soleil"
Clemente Padin / Montevideo / Uruguai
Danielle Ricciardi / Chicago, IL, USA
Deborah Kelly / Sidney, Australia / Malasia
German Mallo / Argentina / Florianopolis- BR
Jessica Gomula /Normal, Illinois, USA
Jude Curtis / Great Dixter, Sussex, UK
Libby Curtis / Camber Sands, Sussex, UK
Luis Cordeiro / Portugal / California, USA
Marcel Evertzen / Hengelo / The Netherlands
Marcelo Frazao / Brazil / Ouro Preto-BR
Maria Lina Smania /Teresopolis, RJ, Brazil
Maria Miranda / Sidney / Australia
Michelle Samuel /Portland, Oregon, USA
Muriel Frega / Argentina / Florianopolis- BR
Regina Celia Pinto /Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Regina Vater / Brazil, Austin, Texas, USA
Silvana Continentino / Brasil / Cuba, Havana


Alvaro Ardevol /Alcaniz, Teruel/Espana
Andreea / Tulpje / Eindhoven, Netherlands
Danielle Ricciardi / Chicago, IL USA
Deborah Kelly / Sidney, Australia/Berlin
Dina Williams / West Sand Lake, NY, USA
Isabel Saiji / "Brume", Vendee, France
Jessica Gomula /Normal, Illinois, USA
Joeser Alvarez / Brasil / Sevilla, Espanha
Libby Curtis / North Woods , Dartington, UK
Marcel Evertzen / Hengelo / The Netherlands
Martha Deed / "Plow", North Tonawanda, USA
Millie Niss / North Tonawanda, NY, USA
Regina Celia Pinto /Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil
Tom Curtis, West Yorkshire, UK

invite you to the launching of their Photo Album:


18 artists - 34 photos 14 artists - 32 photos

Local: Museum of the Essential and Beyond That at: ,
Saturday, 19:00, Rio de Janeiro.

"The world of images has two domains. The first one is the domain of the images as visual representations, the second is our mind's immaterial domain. These domains do not exist separated. There are no images as visual representations that do not have arisen from mind's images of those who produced them; on the other hand, there are not mental images that do not have some origin in the concrete world of the visual objects."

("Imagem - Cognicao, Semiotica, Midia", Lucia Santaella e Winfried Noth)

The Photo Album - Summer and Winter had its origin in the well-known Lewis Carroll's "doublet". The photos that compose it, were sent from artists from different world's regions. Those photos allow us multiple Winter and Summer readings. That happens because they arose from the look / mind / way of seeing the world of those that produced them. So that, that album is an
interesting opportunity for investigating the human being.

The artists will be honored if you send a feedback to them:
[email protected]

During the launching, a cocktail will be served at the Restaurant Eating Pixels (Museum of the Essential and Beyond That's Terrace), at:

Also will be projected the interesting images, videos and comments which
Joeser Alvarez sent us directely from Arco / 2005 / Madrid.
If you want, please join us and comment too! [email protected]

Saturday night at the museum is really an extraordinary program !

Regina Celia Pinto

Os artistas:

Aloysio Novis / RJ, Brasl / "Plein Soleil"
Clemente Padin / Montevideo / Uruguai
Danielle Ricciardi / Chicago, IL, USA
Deborah Kelly / Sidney, Australia / Malasia
German Mallo / Argentina / Florianopolis- BR
Jessica Gomula /Normal, Illinois, USA
Jude Curtis / Great Dixter, Sussex, UK
Libby Curtis / Camber Sands, Sussex, UK
Luis Cordeiro / Portugal / California, USA
Marcel Evertzen / Hengelo / The Netherlands
Marcelo Frazao / Brazil / Ouro Preto-BR
Maria Lina Smania /Teresopolis, RJ, Brasil
Maria Miranda / Sidney / Australia
Michelle Samuel /Portland, Oregon, USA
Muriel Frega / Argentina / Florianopolis- BR
Regina Celia Pinto /Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Regina Vater / Brasil, Austin, Texas, USA
Silvana Continentino / Brasil / Cuba, Havana


Alvaro Ardevol /Alcaniz, Teruel/Espana
Andreea / Tulpje / Eindhoven, Netherlands
Danielle Ricciardi / Chicago, IL USA
Deborah Kelly / Sidney, Australia/Berlin
Dina Williams / West Sand Lake, NY, USA
Isabel Saiji / "Brume", Vendee, France
Jessica Gomula /Normal, Illinois, USA
Joeser Alvarez / Brasil / Sevilla, Espanha
Libby Curtis / North Woods , Dartington, UK
Marcel Evertzen / Hengelo / The Netherlands
Martha Deed / "Plow", North Tonawanda, USA
Millie Niss / North Tonawanda, NY, USA
Regina Celia Pinto /Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brasil
Regina Vater / Brasil, Austin, Texas, USA
Tom Curtis, West Yorkshire, UK

convidam voce para o lancamento do Album de Fotografias

18 artistas - 34 fotos 14 artistas - 32 fotos

"O mundo das imagens se divide em dois dominios. O primeiro dominio e o
dominio das imagens como representacoes visuais, o segundo e o dominio
imaterial de nossa mente. Esses dominios nao existem separados. Nao existem imagens como representacoes visuais que nao tenham surgido de imagens na mente daqueles que as produziram, do mesmo modo que nao existem imagens mentais que nao tenham alguma origem no mundo concreto dos objetos visuais."

("Imagem - Cognicao, Semiotica, Midia", Lucia Santaella e Winfried Noth)

O Album de Fotos - Verao e Inverno teve sua origem no conhecido doublet de Lewis Carroll. As fotos que o compoe, enviadas por artistas de diferentes regioes do mundo, nos permitem multiplas leituras, tanto do Inverno como do Verao. Isso acontece porque surgiram do olhar / mente / modo de ver o mundo daqueles que as produziram. Sendo assim, esse album e uma interessante oportunidade de investigar o ser humano.

Local: Museu do Essencial e do Alem Disso em: ,
Sabado, 19:00, Rio de Janeiro.

Os artistas ficarao honrados se voce enviar seu comentario para:
[email protected]

Durante o lancamento sera servido um cocktail no Restaurante "Eating Pixels" (no terraco do museu), em:

Tambem serao projetadas as interessantes imagens, videos e comentarios que
Joeser Alvarez nos enviou diretamente da Arco / 2005 / Madrid.
Se quiser junte-se a nos nos comentarios!

Sabado a noite no museu e realmente um programa imperdivel!

Regina Celia Pinto