FW: A Walk to Remember at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions

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From: "e-Flux" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "e-Flux" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:18:01 -0800
To: "kevin mcgarry" <[email protected]>
Subject: A Walk to Remember at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions

02/07/05 <http://www.e-flux.com>

Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions

Organized by Jens Hoffmann

Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
6522 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
t: 323.957.1777
f: 323.957.9025
e: [email protected]
w: http://www.artleak.org

Panel Discussion with curator Jens Hoffmann and the artists: Tuesday 8
February 2005 at 7pm
Opening reception: Wednesday 9 February 2005 7 - 9 pm
Exhibition runs 9 February through 8 May 2005

Organized by Jens Hoffmann

John Baldessari, Jennifer Bornstein, Meg Cranston, Morgan Fisher, Evan
Holloway, Paul McCarthy, Ruben Ortiz Torres, Allen Ruppersberg, and Eric

"For the perfect flaneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy
to set up house in the middle of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of
movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite."
- Charles Baudelaire

A Walk to Remember is an exhibition that invites a group of Los Angeles
based artists to conceive and carry out guided tours through neighborhoods
and areas of the city with which they have a particular relationship or
affinity and that deal specifically with the rich cultural history of the

The exhibition relates to Walter Benjamin's concept of the flaneur as a
figure who derives pleasure from the hustle and bustle of the city streets,
who moves purposelessly among the urban crowd with the eye of an artist: a
spectator of contemporary life and urban scenes. Yet, A Walk To Remember
diverts from Benjamin's idea when it examines a specific European phenomenon
of the early 20th century: the postmodern condition of Los Angeles in which
walking is clearly a thing of the past. In addition, in giving each walk a
purpose and in trying to bring various locations and social and cultural
relations of the city to the audience the exhibition reaches beyond what
Benjamin described as an "aimless affair."

Members of the audience taking part in a walk will each be given a
disposable camera to document their individual impressions of the artists'
walks from their distinct perspectives. The cameras will be collected at the
end of a walk and the developed photographs will be presented inside the
gallery space along with maps of the city outlining the different routes.

The Walks:

For John Baldessari's walk each member of the audience is asked to
photograph all intersection street signs from his studio at Bay and Main
Streets in Santa Monica to his second studio on 6th Street and Vernon Ave.
in Venice Beach. The artist will provide a map of the exact route.
Dates: 18 February 2005, 11:00am
27 March 2005, 11:00am

The walk of Jennifer Bornstein is based on the artist's fascination for
Griffith Park in North Hollywood, which the artist has described as her
"studio." Bornstein will introduce the audience to the history of Griffith
Park and lead a tour through the park that will mimic the regular nature
walks one can take in the park.
Dates: 12 March 2005, 3:00 pm
3 April 2005, 3:00 pm

Meg Cranston will take the audience to Sherman Indian High School in
Riverside. The Sherman Indian High School is one of three remaining off
reservation Indian boarding schools in the United States. The students at
the school come from many different tribes and from all over the United
States. The school has a rich (sometimes tragic) history which Cranston will
relate to the lesser-known parts of Los Angeles' urban Indian history.
Dates: 15 April 2005, 8:00 am
16 April 2005, 8:00 am

Morgan Fisher's walk will connect two places in Santa Monica where he has
lived for a total of more than 20 years. Along the way, the walk takes a
digression to visit the site of a house where a friend of the artist lived,
then follows the path that he took each morning to buy a newspaper, and ends
with a visit to the former location of an art gallery that helped Fisher to
enter the Los Angeles art world. The walk illustrates the cliche that in Los
Angeles buildings are liable to disappear. The first place where the artist
lived was torn down and replaced by apartment buildings. The second place,
although still standing, will doubtless be torn down and replaced with
condominiums. The house where his friend lived is already gone.
Dates: 16 February 2005, time TBA
27 February 2005, time TBA

The walk of Evan Holloway starts at his studio and finishes at the subway
station at 7th and Alvarado. The walk includes a great deal of information
about Los Angeles' history. Large Victorian style homes, the only evidence
of this neighborhood's once glamorous past, form a perverse backdrop to the
most degraded and sad prostitution market in LA. Pedestrians are regularly
offered opportunities to purchase fake IDs, illicit subway tokens, black
market cigarettes, and various illegal intoxicants. The walk will stop on
the way at LA's oldest deli to enjoy what is widely regarded as the finest
pastrami sandwich in the region.
Dates: 13 February 2005, 11:00 am
19 March 2005, 11:00 am

Paul McCarthy's walk proposes defining the parameters of a walk that could
then be "performed" by anyone who cares to do so. The artist is interested
in the idea of walking the same route a number of times and how one sees
things differently as they become familiar. For McCarthy 's walk the
audience will not need to come together as a group but can simply devise a
walk for themselves that they will then walk at least ten times. The start
and finish for the walk should be Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions on
Hollywood Boulevard.
Dates: On going

In Ruben Ortiz Torres walk we will visit and experience "El Pedorrero" (The
Farter) on Whittier Boulevard in the core of East Los Angeles. This muffler
shop is also a museum that holds a collection of a "million" items. Its
founder and director, Bill Al Capone Mufflers, describes it as a corporation
while also functioning as a laboratory and an architectural marvel. At "El
Pedorrero" Bill customizes cars, invents new 3D chessboards and
self-standing ice cream cones while at the same time developing his own life
Dates: 10 February 2005, 12:00 pm
10 March 2005, 12:00 pm

Allen Ruppersberg's walk will be a personal WHATEVER BECAME OF tour looking
for glimpses of what was and still partially is. The axis of the tour will
be a visit to some of the major sites that figure in his particular history.
By looking to compare the What's Here to the What's Gone, exclaiming to each
other "Yes, that is the same!" or "No, it's lost forever," the artist hopes
the tour can find and enlarge the details of the art and the life that once
existed there.
Dates: 13 March 2005, 11:00am
2 April 2005, 11:00am

Eric Wesley will do a guided walk through a particular section of Griffith
Park. The walk will start at the base of the park near Los Feliz and extend
upward, to a peak in the park. It will be a midnight hike through the dark
wilderness accompanied by the telling of ghost stories based on the rumor
that the property which is now Griffith Park was donated to the city by
Griffith J. Griffith near the turn of the century as a bribe to get him off
attempted murder charges (he shot his wife in the head).
Dates: 25 February 2005, time TBA
6 March 2005, time TBA

To sign up for the walks, please call 323.957.1777 x12. As space is very

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