[Fwd: crash symposium/sound event london feb 11 2005]

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: crash symposium/sound event london feb 11 2005
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 15:16:30 +0000
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

crash feb 11th 2005 london uk
crash revelations for holographic binding OS
crash forced expanded opening for new post-software-art
crash melancholia and fascism
crash post humanist ontology
crash abstraction + machinic representation
crash auto-destructive art relation to the computational
crash self-coded post-algorithmic constructivist noise performance

crash florian cramer, stewart home, otto e roessler, anthony moore,
sunny bains, dick j bierman, lisa
jevbratt, martin howse, jonathan kemp

crash andy bolus, russell haswell, yves degoyon, erich berger, ap,
stillupsteypa, farmers manual, kaffe
matthews, pita

crash shoreditch town hall london ec1 [on door