RE: The Auschwitz Planet

Special Dispatch - Iran/Arab Antisemitism Documentation Project January
28, 2005 No. 855

Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial in the Iranian Media

An increase in antisemitism and expressions of Holocaust denial has been
recently observed in the Iranian media, including several television
drama series'.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry-affiliated Tehran Times published an op-ed
by columnist Hossein Amiri titled 'Lies of the Holocaust Industry,'
released to coincide with the international commemoration of the
liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27. The op-ed
denied that the Holocaust took place, claiming that such large-scale use
of gas would have been impossible, and that the Allies and Zionist
leaders "formulated strange conceptions about the killing of Jews at
Nazi camps" and "conjured up images of gas chambers." It accused Israel
and Europe of exploiting the Holocaust to justify the Palestinians'
suffering, and claimed that the "issue of the Holocaust is only being
highlighted to cover up Israel's crimes in Palestine."

Over the past month, the official Iranian news agency MEHR has published
a series of antisemitic articles, including interviews with two leading
European Holocaust deniers. On December 29, 2004, Dr. Fredrick Toben of
the Adelaide Institute in Australia claimed that "the state of Israel is
founded on the 'Holocaust' lie" and that "exposing this lie" would help
"dismantle the Zionist entity." In his interview on December 18, 2004,
French Professor Robert Faurisson spoke about the "alleged 'Holocaust'
of the Jews."

A review of the movie 'Exodus' by Mojtaba Habibi, in which he accused
the Jews of collaboration with the Nazis and of orchestrating a grand
scheme of world domination together with Joseph Stalin, was also
recently published by MEHR, on December 29, 2004.

Claiming that the Jews are "exploiting a great historic lie called 'the
Holocaust'" in order to expand their influence in Europe another article
published by MEHR discussed the French ban of Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV

Professor Heshmatollah Qanbari characterized the Jews as a "subversive
element in human history" and as "satanic" and "anti-human" in another
interview, broadcast on Iran's Channel 1 TV on November 11, 2004. The
Jews, according to Qanbari, are "dangerous to both Christians and
Muslims," as well as to monotheism in general. Qanbari characterized the
Jews as the source of "all corrupt traits in humanity" and said that
throughout history they have exhibited expansionist tendencies, coveting
and usurping other nations.

Several antisemitic TV drama series' are currently being aired on
Iranian TV. Two of them, "Zahra's Blue Eyes" and "The People of the
Cave", are Iranian-produced, and a third, 'Al-Shatat,' although
Syrian-produced, is also supported by Iran in that it was originally
broadcast by Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV channel worldwide.

In 'Zahra's Blue Eyes,' airing weekly on the Iranian Sahar TV channel,
the "Zionists" are graphically portrayed as kidnapping little
Palestinian children and harvesting their organs. Traditional
antisemitic stereotypes are interwoven in the series, such as Jewish
racial superiority, as well as anti-Israeli political propaganda.

Sahar TV is currently broadcasting the historical drama series, 'The
People of the Cave.' In a recent episode, the Jews are portrayed as
maliciously abusing Christ on the cross and as bribing the Romans to
turn a blind eye.

'Al-Shatat,' originally broadcast by Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV channel, is
currently being aired on the Iranian Sahar TV channel. It portrays the
Jews as controlling the world through a secret global government and as
being responsible for all the ills of the world, through political,
economic, and sexual conspiracies, war-mongering, and political
assassinations. Blood Libels - such as the slaughtering of a Christian
child for ritual Passover needs - are graphically depicted, as are
gruesome executions of transgressing Jews and of non-Jews alike.


—–Original Message—–
[] On Behalf Of Ivan
Sent: January 27, 2005 7:41 AM
To: Netbehaviour; rhizome
Subject: The Auschwitz Planet

This is actually the history of the Auschwitz planet - the chronicles of

I, myself, was at Auschvitz camp for two years.
The time there is not a concept as it is here in our planet.
Every fraction of a second passed there was at a different rate of time.
And the inhabitants of that planet had no names.
They had no parents, and they had no children.
They were not clothed as we are clothed here.
They were not born there and they did not conceive there.
They breathed and lived according to different laws of Nature.
They did not live according to the laws of this world of ours, and they
did not die.
Their name was a number, K. Zetnik number so-and-so …
And I believe wholeheartedly that I must carry this name as long as the
world will not awaken after the crucifying of the nation to erase this
eveil, as humanity has risen after the crucifixion of one man.

Testimony of Yehile Di-Noor (K. Zetnik) at the Eichmann Trial, June 7


, Wally Keeler

Who now remembers the Roma?
By Valeriu Nicolae

"Who now remembers the Armenians?"
Adolph Hitler before launching what was meant to be the total
annihilation of European Jewry.

"In the case of the Jews there are not merely a few criminals but all of
Jewry rose from criminal roots, and in its very nature is criminal. The
Jews are no people like other people but a pseudo-people welded together
by hereditary criminality.The annihilation of Jewry is no loss to
humanity but just as useful as capital punishment or protective custody
against other criminals" – Joseph Gobbels 1944

It is the day of remembering the Holocaust and, as usual, there is
little or no talk about the Roma Holocaust in the European media. The
European Parliament passed a resolution on Holocaust and racism, which
includes no specific reference to the Roma Holocaust or the rampant
anti-Gypsyism in Europe.

A researcher into the Roma Holocaust thinks Gobbels' discourse with a
small change, the replacement of the word "Jews" with "Gypsies" would be
as popular as it was 60 years ago, now, in a Europe struggling with
strong but paradoxically still ignored anti-Gypsyism.

Before the Holocaust started, in January 1940, 250 Romani children were
murdered in Buchenwald, Germany. They were the test subjects for the
crystals used in gas chambers.

An estimated between 250.000 to 1.000.000 Roma were exterminated during
the Holocaust. That arguably puts in percent, Roma as the most affected
ethnic group by the nazi killings. Over 90 per cent of Roma population
in Austria and Germany was wiped-out by the fascist regimes.

Slovakia, Hungary, Romania are the European countries with the largest
Roma population in Europe. The first two are part of the European Union,
Romania is planned to join the Union in 2007.

During the Second World War in Slovakia, Roma were forced into labour
camps. Just before the upraising against the German occupation in 1944
at least 1,000 Roma perished in pogroms and mass killings.

Vladimir Meciar the ex-prime minister of Slovakia, and still one of the
first two most popular politicians in Slovakia spoke in 1993 about the
need to curb "the reproduction of socially unadaptable and mentally
retarded people." Roma were in his opinion "antisocial, mentally
backward, unassimilable and socially unacceptable".

The same year the Slovak Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Family
declared that: "Roma dislike work"

In an opinion poll conducted in December 1999 by the Taylor Nelson
Sofres Institute[1] 90 per cent of the people asked were not objecting
to measures to have Roma living separated from the majority population.
The Roma population in Slovakia is estimated to constitute around 10 per

On 19th of January 2005 during the Conference "Human Rights and EU
Migration Policy " organized by the European Commission in Brussels the
newly appointed Slovakian Ambassador to the European Union, Mr. Maro