FW: netopticon report - call for submissions

netopticon report
Together with superficial anonymity and seemingly apparent ways of hiding or
faking one's identity, the Internet delivers a new set of powerful and
sophisticated instruments of surveillance. Network activity of an individual
user, intercepted on the borders of ostensibly integral web realm, is easily
back-traced by power holders - via IP address to ID number - and provides
the agent for latent supervision of controlling eye-ear.

Scouting and tight inspection of personal information, at times readily
exposed, serves economical and political interests of the system, helps
creating the new ways of control and improves the old ones. Established
around network security commercial structures continuously populate virtual
file-cabinets, simultaneously supporting the channels of supervised data

netopticon - the current project of no-org.net - is an attempt to create an
artistic and textual report on the topic of infringement of privacy and its
protection. We are looking forward to net art works and texts dealing with
resistance to manipulatively mediated concept of security, to art projects
devoted to true anonymity of net-surfing and net-correspondence, to works
intentionally feeding systems with falsified data, to any remarks,
suggestions and ideas that would add up to a contemporary report on the

Although it is not exclusive condition, projects that work on the three
major platforms (Linux, Macintosh and Windows) are preferred.

The deadline for submissions is March, 30, 2005
