Trying to upload to siggraph, the site shut down early

Annals of digital media chapter zzzzzzzzzzzzzz:

Herewith a copy of my note to siggraph after they shut down submissions to
emerging technologies at 11.30 pm pacific rather than the stated 11.59. It
had been a tough day, my files crashed and I had to rebuild everything all
evening. All was lost in the end anyway. Did anyone else out in rhizome
land have this problem too?


dear Dr. Cox et al, I have been attempting to upload my submission since
> pm. at 11.30 access was denied and a page indicating that apps were now
> closed appeared. This is 30 minutes before the deadline. In fact it is now
> 11.46 pm pacific (i am in the same zone). I realize your server is under
> strain, however it is an unjust situation to close applications early. I
> would appreciate an apology and some kind of explanation. Sincerely,
> Christina McPhee

soundart performance multimedia theory
