Fwd: [call for work] Version>05 Invincible Desire

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> 2005 FOR
> http://www.versionfest.org
> Version is a hybrid form of festival, conference, arts fair and online
> project. The fourth annual Version convergence is an experimental
> approach
> at navigating the activities of emerging cultures that combine visual
> arts,
> activism, social practices, creative use of new technologies as well as
> tactics and strategies of intervention.
> Version>05>Invincible Desire
> Version>05-Invincible Desire is a summit of the underground and the
> everyday. Version>05 aims to practice, examine, and strengthen the
> activities of local configurations and their external networks.
> Version>05
> is a drunken boat on a river whose flow has been reversed by the U.S.
> Army
> Corps of Engineers.
> Driven by an irrepressible urgency for intervention in the roaring
> bullshit
> carnival that has become reality, Version>05 will investigate,
> debilitate,
> and agitate contemporary US culture through a diverse program
> featuring an
> experimental art expo, artistic disturbances, networked urban events,
> screenings, interactive software applications, performances, workshops,
> parties and street action. We envision a New Renaissance summit of
> aggressive cultural workers organizing their shared interests and
> networking
> a distribution of ideas; a rendez-vous of friends & lovers who've
> never yet
> met.
> We will convene in Chicago for a ten-day open laboratory to explore a
> Version>05-Invincible Desire is a cultural summit and call for
> creating and
> strengthening connections among artists, writers, wingnuts, curators,
> vigilante gardeners, activists, surrealists, scientists, musicians,
> pirates,
> filmmakers, activists, space hijackers, tactical media provocateurs,
> radical
> cartographers, students, designers, dreamers, architects, adventurers,
> critical thinkers and cultural workers of all kinds.
> Send us your critiques of the society of Control and help us examine
> the
> rhizomatic systems now confronting the monoculture. We want to enlarge
> our
> little utopias and expand participation across today's multiple fronts
> of
> countercultural emancipation and cultural reclamation.
> We dictate no format and only require your desire to make it happen.
> Deadline Feburary 28,2005
> Version>05 Invincible Desire is a cultural summit and call for
> creating and
> strengthening connections between, artists, writers, vigilantes,
> curators,
> scientists, musicians, filmmakers, activists, space hijackers, tactical
> media provocateurs, students, designers, architects, critical thinkers
> and
> cultural workers of all kinds.
> SEND US YOUR IDEAS AND PROPOSALS FOR: papers, workshops, films, street
> art
> (stickers, cut-outs, xeroxable pages, stencils), anti-corporate
> actions,
> tactical media projects, culture jamming activities, public art
> interventions, micro actions, billboard modifications, DIY urbanism,
> office
> pranks, social and technology hacking ideas, agit prop posters, how