Want to Write for Rhizome.org?

Ongoing, Rhizome.org calls for new writers and correspondents around the
world. If you are interested in writing for Net Art News or reporting on
international new media arts events for Rhizome, please send an email to
[email protected] with the subject line intact and with the following

(Note: currently all editorials commissioned by Rhizome are written in
English. Please don't be discouraged if English is not your first language:
if you can clearly communicate your ideas and observations, that is what we
are looking for.)



Note if you live/work in multiple
countries or frequently/easily travel to a certain place.

Background and special interests:

Briefly describe your experience and familiarity with new media art.
Rhizome encourages perspectives from all kinds of practitioners, whether
you've been involved with net art for years (artist, programmer,
curator, writer? . . .), or have recently encountered the work and ideas
discussed here via any other discipline/s (film/video, activism, poetry,
performance, education? . . .).

Writing sample:

Please paste below, or link to, 2 writing samples. Ideally, please
submit one shorter sample (150-300 words) and one that is longer (1000+
words). Topics should be relevant to art/technology/culture.

No attachments please.

Distribute this message freely–thank you,


Kevin McGarry
Content Coordinator, Rhizome.org
Editor, Net Art News
New Museum of Contemporary Art
210 11th Ave 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10001

tel 212 219 1288 x220
fax 212 431 5328
ema [email protected]