Re: Tsunami - call for submissions

—– Original Message —–
From: "{art-messenger}" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Tsunami - call for submissions

> Tsunami -
> call for submissions
> 1st deadline 31 March 2005
> .
> The current Asian tsunami disaster made it again evident:
> the human being cannot control the destructive powers of nature.
> .
> A Virtual Memorial
> and [R][R][F]2005—XP
> initiate on occasion of this disaster
> and in solidarity with all affected people in this human tragedy
> a net based art project environment, entitled: Tsunami.
> .
> The title: "Tsunami" does thematically not only refer to this or similiar
disasters in Present or Past,
> but beyond that "Tsunami" is primarily also understood as a symbol for the
Inevitable, the Immutable,
> for Powers of Nature, Powers of Destiny which cannot be controlled by the
human being,
> situations of helplessness the human being is irrevocably at the mercy of.
> Has he any chance to escape or take influence?
> .
> Nearly everybody whereever he may live has made experiences of that kind
in one or the other way already.
> .
> Artists around the globe are invited to reflect these traumatic conditions
of human life and submit art works, documents, texts or any other material
connected the thematical context
> which can be submitted as digital file .
> .
> "Tsunami" -
> this collaborative project will be published and featured on
> and simultaneously and will take part
> in all coming physical events of [R][R][F]2005—>XP,
> global networking project by Agricola de Cologne.
> .
> Following file typs are accepted:
> Text: .txt, .rtf, plain email
> Image: .jpg,.gif., png
> sound: .mpg3
> movie: .mov, .avi, wmv, .swf, .drc, .mpeg2
> .
> The submission can consist of different parts, works or documents but must
not exceed 5MB.
> All serious contributions will be accepted.
> .
> 1st deadline 31 March 2005, afterwards ongoing,
> but the project will be already launched on 1 February 2005 and from then
on continuously updated.
> .
> Please use this form for submitting
> .
> 1.Name, Email, URL
> 2.brief bio (not more than 50 words/English)
> (number of entries, titles, year of origin, medium of original
work, submitted media file types)
> 4. Short description for each submitted work (not more than 50
> .
> Please send the submission
> as individual files attached
> to
> [email protected]
> subject: tsunami
> **************************************
> A Virtual Memorial
> and
> [R][R][F]2005—>XP
> global networking project
> are corporate members of
> [NewMediaArtProjectnetwork]:||cologne
> .
> contact: [email protected]

>Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:55 AM
Last disaster is another WAR caused by intentionally arrogance of rich
countries.THERE'S way to foreseen event like that,and direct responsibility
for so many victims is on rich countries.So,let's stop pretend that this
"something"have nothing to do with us.
"Every miracle for three days".So,we quickly took some articles and
sites(it's just small part of problem)in hope that is not to late to put
this mass murder on place where it belong-we are that place.

1./How could a good God create a world full of innocent
suffering?Earthquakes and volcanoes, famines and floods inhabit the borders
of human meaning. The sharp distinction between natural and moral evil that
now seems self-evident was born around the Lisbon earthquake and nourished
by Rousseau. Radically separating what earlier ages called natural from
moral evils was thus part of the meaning of modernity. Modern conceptions of
evil were developed in the attempt to stop blaming God for the state of the
world, and to take responsibility for it on our own.

On a planet that is itself alive, safety is an illusion; psychologyoffers no
solace in dealing with larger-than-human events.

It's not quite enough to feel the earthquake to adequately comprehend the
psychology of earthquakes, and to assimilate the earthquake's lessons for
our lives. We also need a bit of geology.

Disasters are sociological, not physical, phenomena. Disasters are caused by
us, not by nature. Hence, flood disasters are caused by us, not by water.
Any deaths resulting from the disaster are directly attributable to that

Labelling some disaster-related deaths as indirect, secondary, or side
effects diminishes the connection with the event and suggests that less
could have been done for prevention. Neither is true. We hear "an act of
god", "inconceivable", "unpreventable", "they would have died anyway", and
"impossible to imagine". Poor excuses. It is our fault and we must admit
that to solve the problem. Any disaster-related deaths are unacceptable.


Les Delices, November 24, 1755
This is indeed a cruel piece of natural philosophy! We shall find it
difficult to discover how the laws of movement operate in such fearful
disasters in the best of all possible worlds– where a hundred thousand
ants, our neighbours, are crushed in a second on our ant-heaps, half, dying
undoubtedly in inexpressible agonies, beneath debris from which it was
impossible to extricate them, families all over Europe reduced to beggary,
and the fortunes of a hundred merchants – Swiss, like yourself – swallowed
up in the ruins of Lisbon. What a game of chance human life is! What will
the preachers say – especially if the Palace of the Inquisition is left
standing! I flatter myself that those reverend fathers, the Inquisitors,
will have been crushed just like other people. That ought to teach men not
to persecute men: for, while a few sanctimonious humbugs are burning a few
fanatics, the earth opens and swallows up all alike. I believe it is our
mountains which save us from earthquakes.


an earthquake is not an event

Historical Depictions of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake

Images of the Lisbon Earthquake

The Lisbon Fallace

Short, informative essay on the Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, by Allison


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