From Lisbon 1775 to Tsunami 2004-copy/paste tragedy of hipper-modernity

Last disaster is another WAR caused by intentionally arrogance of rich coun=
tries.THERE'S way to foreseen event like that,and direct responsibility for=
so many victims is on rich countries.So,let's stop pretend that this "some=
thing"have nothing to do with us.
"Every miracle for three days".So,we quickly took some articles and sites(i=
t's just small part of problem)in hope that is not to late to put this mass=
murder on place where it belong-we are that place.

1./How could a good God create a world full of innocent suffering?Earthquak=
es and volcanoes, famines and floods inhabit the borders of human meaning. =
The sharp distinction between natural and moral evil that now seems self-ev=
ident was born around the Lisbon earthquake and nourished by Rousseau. Rad=
ically separating what earlier ages called natural from moral evils was thu=
s part of the meaning of modernity. Modern conceptions of evil were develop=
ed in the attempt to stop blaming God for the state of the world, and to ta=
ke responsibility for it on our own.

On a planet that is itself alive, safety is an illusion; psychologyoffers n=
o solace in dealing with larger-than-human events.

It's not quite enough to feel the earthquake to adequately comprehend the p=
sychology of earthquakes, and to assimilate the earthquake's lessons for ou=
r lives. We also need a bit of geology.

Disasters are sociological, not physical, phenomena. Disasters are caused b=
y us, not by nature. Hence, flood disasters are caused by us, not by water.=
Any deaths resulting from the disaster are directly attributable to that d=

Labelling some disaster-related deaths as indirect, secondary, or side effe=
cts diminishes the connection with the event and suggests that less could h=
ave been done for prevention. Neither is true. We hear "an act of god", "in=
conceivable", "unpreventable", "they would have died anyway", and "impossib=
le to imagine". Poor excuses. It is our fault and we must admit that to sol=
ve the problem. Any disaster-related deaths are unacceptable.


Les Delices, November 24, 1755
This is indeed a cruel piece of natural philosophy! We shall find it diff=
icult to discover how the laws of movement operate in such fearful disaster=
s in the best of all possible worlds– where a hundred thousand ants, our n=
eighbours, are crushed in a second on our ant-heaps, half, dying undoubtedl=
y in inexpressible agonies, beneath debris from which it was impossible t=
o extricate them, families all over Europe reduced to beggary, and the fort=
unes of a hundred merchants – Swiss, like yourself – swallowed up in the =
ruins of Lisbon. What a game of chance human life is! What will the preache=
rs say – especially if the Palace of the Inquisition is left standing! I f=
latter myself that those reverend fathers, the Inquisitors, will have been =
crushed just like other people. That ought to teach men not to persecute me=
n: for, while a few sanctimonious humbugs are burning a few fanatics, the e=
arth opens and swallows up all alike. I believe it is our mountains which s=
ave us from earthquakes.


an earthquake is not an event

a.. Historical Depictions of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake

b.. Images of the Lisbon Earthquake

c.. The Lisbon Fallace

Short, informative essay on the Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, by Allison Lei=

