Dear Mr. Butler

Dear Mr. Butler,

I edit an art weblog that is helping to distribute a call for assistance
on behalf of the artist Emily Jacir. I am sure that by now your Inbox is
full and your Voicemail floweth over. Miss Jacir, as I am sure you are
aware, has wide support among her peers and colleagues in the art world
and professional arts community; the support on her behalf continues to
grow. Your sensitivity and forthrightness in the matter will be
appreciated by one and all. I am confident that you will not allow a
politically partisan group to mar this show with their inappropriate
paraphernalia. This artist should enjoy the same respect that your
institution would accord any artist, regardless of their background or

Respectfully yours,
Joy Garnett
NEWSgrist - where spin is art

PS: This letter, like the blog post mentioned, is being distributed widely
through an online forum and RSS feeds.


, joy garnett

okay, some info from an insider who must remain unnamed (a bit of intrigue
for your morning coffee!):

——-begin forwarded message——–


that […] it's the university not the
museum's problem should be made known.

basically it's ALL about the school. david butler totally gets it, and is
advocating inside […] he's very supportive and rational –
basically the pressure should go on the university who are a bunch of
IDIOTS who have their fingers in their asses.

the media has started to descend, FYI.
