Hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy

> hack.it.art
> Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy
> From January 15th till February 27th 2005
> Opening hours: Tuesday till Sunday from 12 till 7 pm
> Organized by: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien in cooperation with the
> Italian Cultural Institute of Berlin and the Bundeszentrale fur
> politische Bildung. In partnership with the "U-Spot" Art Magazine, the
> "Zitty" CityMagazine, the "Taz" Newspaper, the "Jungle World" Weekly
> Magazine, Data-Recovery and the media art festival "transmediale.05".
> With the support of the Cultural Anthropology Department, Faculty of
> Sciences of Communication, University "La Sapienza" of Rome and the
> "Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa".
> The project hack.it.art at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
> (www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de) is an exhibition and event about
> technological, artistic and political activism in Italy. It sheds
> light onto a large complex of activities that, throughout the 80ies,
> have set up and grown alternative networks to the traditional art
> system. While these activities may not always be identified as "art",
> they could more easily be called "practices" or "activism".
> In Italy, technological, artistic and political activism is closely
> interconnected, in a common network spread over the whole country, and
> consisting of collectives, activists and artists alike. Their common
> denominator is to give life to an alternative and independent way of
> producing information, cultural consciousness and communication. In a
> specific way, the correct meaning for this network of practices is the
> word "hacktivism". Hacktivism is the fusion of hacking and activism,
> technology and political action. Hacktivism is a rhizomatic, open
> source phenomenon. According to this point of view, hackers are not
> just those who destructively intrude into computer systems (and who
> should be more correctly called "crackers"), but those who share the
> good of knowledge, who fight for free communication and access for
> all, aiming to create and spread knowledge for the public domain.
> A practical example of this is the hacker ethic which could be called
> an attitude of gaining knowledge through technology and sharing the
> results, using both technology and knowledge in a genuinely free way
> which overcomes traditional copyright economy.
> The exhibition shows this widespread phenomenon and presents to the
> German public the multitude of Italian media and net activism. The aim
> is to give an inside view into this very heterogeneous and in Germany
> so far rarely recognized Italian scene, to provide links to the field
> of art as well as politics. Furthermore it attempts to connect and
> interlink Italian and German projects and activists.
> hack.it.art is focused on Italy as a country, in which, due to its
> political and social situation, alternative media networks offer the
> only means to make voices heard in opposition to the dominant media
> monopoly of Berlusconi. This net of counter information is signified
> by its potential to mobilize (through mailing lists, forums etc.).
> This offers the possibility and ability of spontaneous intervention in
> cooperation with other social movements. In a longer perspective this
> seems to imply a great potential of political participation.
> The exhibition presents artistic positions which apply themselves to
> social questions and pose a critical point of view towards a
> traditional media landscape and art scene. The exhibition explores
> answers to the question: How can there be independent media production
> in self-maintained network while there is autocratic media and a
> monopoly of communication by the state?
> The political aim of hack.it.art refers to an acknowledgement of the
> net as a political space, with the possibility of decentralized,
> autonomous and grassroots democratic participation. Access for
> everybody, information as a free good and the conscious,
> non-commercial use of hardware and technology, the basic concepts of
> hacker ethics, are referred to in this project as political
> objectives.
> For six weeks, from the 14th of January till the 27th of February, the
> exhibition will take place at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien. There
> will be workshops and events on various aspects of Hacktivism. Some of
> the exhibition space will become a temporary media lab for workshops
> to take place.
> hack.it.art is presented by AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism project
> (www.ecn.org/aha) and curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Alexandra
> Weltz.
> Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien
> Director: Stephane Bauer
> Mariannenplatz 2
> 10997 Berlin
> phone: +49-(0)30-90298-1455 or 1454 fax: +49-(0)30-90298-1453
> [email protected]
> www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de
> Curators:
> Tatiana Bazzichelli, [email protected]
> Alexandra Weltz, [email protected]
> Exhibition
> Opening
> 14th, January 2005, 7 pm
> "SuperFactory (TM)" with: Pi-radio & Displaced Dilemma
> www.superfactory.biz (Berlin, D)
> "PHAG OFF" with: Nikky www.deliriouniversale.com and Francesco
> "Warbear" Macarone Palmieri
> http://www.vidalocarecords.com/booking/phagoff.htm (Rome, IT) and
> Bernardo "Noisy Pig" Santarelli www.goodstuff-music.com (Berlin, D)
> Exhibition (14. January - 27. February)
> The exhibition connects four hacktivist concepts in four different
> rooms:
> - Hack Gender! action pink and sexyshock; with: Betty collective
> www.ecn.org/sexyshock (Bologna, IT)
> - Hack the Frequency! telestreet and subversive video production;
> with: Disco Volante TV from Telestreet Network www.telestreet.it
> (Senigallia AN, Italy).
> - Hack the Code! hacker art and net.art projects from the Italian
> hacktivist community www.hackmeeting.it (Italy).
> (Wall)paintings by Nomad and Miss Riel www.this.is/gata (Berlin, D)
> - Hack the Reality! the art of hacktivism; with: video on hacktivism
> by Candida TV www.candidatv.tv (Rome, IT) and Italian magazine
> info-desk (Neural www.neural.it, Decoder/Shake www.decoder.it and
> www.shake.it, Simulteneita, etc.). "Inconsapevoli Macchine Poetiche"
> installation by Giacomo Verde www.eutopie.net (Lucca, IT)
> Workshop
> 5th/6th, February 2005
> Hacking TV: How to build a Telestreet
> During the workshops the instructions to build a Telestreet will be
> given to the public; max 20 partecipants. 5th February, 2.00-6.00
> pm/6th February 12.00 am/3.30 pm.
> - Agnese Trocchi, Candida TV (www.candidatv.tv Rome, IT)
> - Federico Bucalossi, Nothuman (www.nothuman.net Florence, IT)
> - Alexandra Weltz, filmmaker (Berlin, D)
> Panels
> 6th, Feburary, 4.00 pm
> Hacking the Body
> cyberfeminism panel: radical and ironical uses of technology through
> female bodies.
> first section (4.00-5.30 pm):
> - Cornelia Sollfrank, artist and cyberfeminist www.obn.org (Hamburg, D)
> - Agnese Trocchi, Candida TV www.candidatv.tv (Rome, IT)
> discussion with the public
> Projection of the video (5.30 pm):
> "Bio Doll's Baby" by Franca Formenti www.francaformenti3.org (Varese,
> IT)
> second section (6.00-7.30 pm):
> - Diana McCarty, Bootlab www.bootlab.org (Berlin, D)
> - Betty, Sexyshock www.ecn.org/sexyshock (Bologna, IT)
> discussion with the public
> - Moderation: Tatiana Bazzichelli, AHA www.ecn.org/aha (Rome,
> IT/Berlin, D)
> 8th, February, 7.00 pm
> Hacktivism. Was tun?/Che fare?
> panel on the present and future of hacktivism; with:
> first section:
> - Tina Lorenz, Chaos Computer Club www.ccc.de (Berlin, D)
> - Tommaso Tozzi, Hacker Art www.hackerart.org (Florence, IT)
> second section:
> - Sebastian Lutgert, Textz.com www.textz.com (Berlin, D)
> - Freaknet.org (www.freaknet.org Catania, IT)
> discussion with the public
> - Moderation: Alessandro Ludovico, Neural www.neural.it (Bari, IT)
> Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien | Mariannenplatz 2, 1o997 Berlin |
> Tel.: (o3o) 9o298-14 55 | Fax: -14 53 |
> [email protected] | www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de |
> Leiter: Stephane Bauer, Projektmitarbeiterinnen: Ulrike Ettinger,
> Katharina Ballhausen, Julia Schonlau
> More info on: www.ecn.org/aha