Red States Journals

The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest is looking for some US-based
participants in a short, mail-based project. Below is the description.
If you're currently in a "red state" and want to participate, reply to
me off list and we can arrange to send you a journal.

The Los Angeles California based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest
would like to hear your thoughts, ideas, reflections
about the notion of living on the conservative side of the "Divided
States of America."

What is the truth about your daily life? What's it like for a someone
like you to be living in your town? Describe your local scene, where
you find community, what sort of interactions you have. What are the
local political and cultural institutions that you find meaningful?
Which ones do you distrust? Why? What are the social and political
conflicts that are happening around you and why? Where do you find
common ground with your greater community?

Do you think its really all that different from our communities here in
Blue California? Do you feel the "redness" when you walk down the
street? Who are your neighbors? What is your community like? What's
going on that you think those of us in the blue should know about? Are
there other color schemes you imagine besides the red and the blue?

In this diary please contribute, however you find appropriate, your
thoughts and feelings about what it means to be in your "Red State".

Contribution ideas: narrative and/or critical writing, drawing,
psychogeographic maps, collages, song lyrics and whatever you think is
appropriate. Please be aware that others will be writing in this
journal after you.

This Red State Journal, one of 10 sent to contacts in the Red States,
is part of a dispersed project initiated by the Journal of Aesthetics &
Protest. You have been specially chosen to contribute either by member
of the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest collective member or another
participant in the project. When you are done writing within 1-7 days,
please pass it on to a person you trust.

We hope that when returned to Los Angeles, the Red State Journals will
serve as a small window into the life in your town.