flux factory project for novelists

Flux Factory (fluxfactory.org) an arts organization and
collective in Long Island City, is doing a project called
NOVEL this Spring. We will build cubicles at our gallery
for three novelists. They will be isolated in these quarters
for a month. During that month they will complete a novel
from scratch. Every weekend there will be public
readings. Food and such will be provided. We're
currently working to get a publisher or publishing house
to sponsor the project and/or commit to publishing the
work. We are looking for published novelists and serious
writers. Send list of publications if intrigued. Definitely a
major challenge and a major commitment. We are not
screwing around.
More Details:
It will happen during the month of May, 2005. We'll be
accepting applicants until Dec 31st and we'll make a
final decision about participants by January 31st.
Applicants send a CV or resume as well as 25 pages or
less of previously published prose to
[email protected]
The way it looks now, we will build three room-sized
cubicles in our gallery space. They will have at least two
transparent walls but there will be curtains that can be
closed during most hours of the day or night. The only
exception will be during open hours around the readings
on the weekends and a few hours during the week when
we will have public/press conference hours. You will
have some kind of mini-fridge and basic snacking
capacities in your room and minimal furniture (desk, bed,
chair, light, bookcase). We will have architecture people
design the cubicles and they should be pretty cool. They
may be sponsored by a couple of design magazines
and/or companies that will take the opportunity to
promote themselves. Access to the outside world will be
minimal. You will have the chance to leave for bathroom
needs a couple of times a day and for one shower
(facilities here at Flux).
You wont leave the premises here at Flux for the entire
month except in case of absolute emergency. You wont
have email or a phone. You will have a dinner every
evening right outside of your cubicles with just the three
of you. Cooking, dishes, cleaning etc., will be handled by
Flux. Once a week, probably during the weekend
readings, you'll get a chance to make phone calls,
contact people, etc. If you leave the cubicles at any times
other than these you wont be let back in. You'll be
expected to come out with a finished novel that is at
least 125 pages long. Hopefully it will be worth
something. Contact [email protected] with other