Fw: RHIZOME_RAW: MTAA-RR [news/twhid/duchamp_s_fountain_most_influential.html ]

MANIK was on your site about ten days ago,than we've seen >
Your enthusiasm about your ability to published images seems to us like
empty story.We've send you message,even image,after that we ask you for
answer what's happen with all of that…and nothing.
We are insult by your unprofessionally.
MANIK don't understand your wish to talk with adult about pisoire.If you are
short ,use night vessel,or just pi in shirts.

—– Original Message —–
From: "Plasma Studii" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 5:47 PM
[news/twhid/duchamp_s_fountain_most_influential.html ]

> outa town, sorry if this is a late reply.
> jim andrews:
> >part of what the acceptance of duchamp's work is about is an acceptance
> >radical change in visual art. and that is admirable. healthy.
> i agree, jim, but this seems subtly a different point. change is
> fine, even radical change, non-sense shifts and surprise directions.
> but this happened long before we were born. this has been the status
> quou for years now. though the US also has a rich history, like
> writing in Britain, as you said. but assuming you are under 50, for
> most of our art experience, we rarely actually see old-style art
> accept treated as a historical artifact.
> if there was any reason to say "hey, why not x as art!" alone, that
> would be fine. i don't mean to harp on conceptualism here. it's
> the urinal thing that has me baffled..
> it's one thing that the word "nigger" was an insult that has since
> been turned around. friends call their black friends nigger and
> everyone's fine with it. if you tried using the word as an insult
> today in ny, everyone would think you must be a nut case. same with
> "fag" and so many old derogatory words turned positive. and that's a
> cool shift.
> but the question: are you so disconnected from planet earth that
> you'd think of a reason to covet a urinal? is not name calling. the
> event may have been a major milestone in the most radical change in
> hundreds of years, but hardly the first. painting on grecian vases,
> how they thought of it then versus how we do now, seems like a much
> more important shift, albeit more gradual and far less familiar. it
> may have been re-thought 100 times before history books arrived at a
> positive interpretation. but now it's an old standard. the original
> blurb posted attests to the fact that most agree on the urinals
> significance in art history.
> we can laugh at it, then move on to more constructive tasks, rather
> than continue to wallow in what it (rather aptly) criticizes.
> manik:
> >People like kind of humor,ironic
> >sexuality,it's more psychoanalysis art-Rorschach test than most important
> >art piece in XXcentury.
> http://plasmastudii.org/rorschach/rorschach.php
> –
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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