fw: cfp Project Mosaica

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The Calls and Opps List
A digest of calls for artists

Edited by Michael Mandiberg

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Call for online projects:

Project Mosaica, a new website devoted to contemporary Jewish culture
online, is seeking projects from individuals and groups on the theme of Jews
and Diaspora: Jewish Culture, Web Culture, New Culture. Two $1,000 (CND)
production honoraria will be awarded to the successful candidates whose web
projects address the possibilities of the virtual diaspora with this theme.

Projects should be innovative and address the visual possibilities of the
web as well as contribute to an understanding of the multi-valent nature,
complexities, significance and changes in meaning of diaspora. This call is
intended to be as inclusive as possible: projects enlisting any and all
artistic disciplines are welcome.

Provide a project description in 500 words including the following: a
statement about the project