The most influential piece of modern art

500 O…Funny,there's no Malevich in firs 10 on that list!See the Date of o=
ur work.This is Malevich note on sketch book.We've just redesign the same o=
ne.IMHO this is extremely important Malevich's work,and it could be connect=
ed with conceptualism/neoconceptualism.
Three main problems in XXcentury art grow from psychoanalysis's(surrealism)=
,geometry(cubism),and gestual expression of feeling(expressionism).
I'm shamed instead that poor 500(of what?).That's good reason to put MANIKs=
images on Rhizome_Raw,to learn something.Last MANIKs image was :Practical =
handbook for beginners;SPLASH!Warhol filming Duchamp.
—– Original Message —–
From: manik
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 6:15 PM
Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: maljevic for beginers

2 O O
two O