Ramsey Clark "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution

Message from Ramsey Clark
"Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution"

Dear VoteToImpeach / ImpeachBush.org Members,

President Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution of the
United States. The election does not pardon the President for past, or
future "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Impeachment is not a partisan political issue. The House of Representatives,
possessed of the "sole power of impeachment," is required to consider a bill
of impeachment on the facts even if every Member were of the same party, or
political persuasion, as the President. The seven specific provisions of the
Constitution setting forth the powers and duties of the Congress in
considering impeachment intend that any President or other civil officer of
the United States who has committed a high Crime or Misdemeanor "…shall be
removed from Office."

The power of impeachment assures the people against criminal acts and
despotic ambitions by government officials.

We, the People have the power to require the House of Representatives to do
its duty and act on a bill of impeachment after full investigation and
consideration. If it fails to do so those House members who failed to
perform this Constitutional duty can and should be voted from office.
Remember that President Nixon resigned under threat of impeachment for
Watergate less than two years after his landslide reelection in 1972.

Impeachment is Imperative

For the American people who support and defend the Constitution of the
United States, who want to prevent further crimes by a lawless
administration, who believe we can redeem our country in the eyes of those
we have assaulted and those who have witnessed this brutality and who dare
to demand of future government leadership, NEVER AGAIN, Impeachment is
Imperative. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we
Americans should declare the causes which impel us to impeach.

President George W. Bush chose to wage a war of aggression against Iraq,
which had not attacked the United States and presented no imminent threat to
our people, or legitimate interests. A small cabal, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice,
Wolfowitz, Feith, Libby and Rove wrested decision making processes from
established institutions of government to reinforce President Bush