Sound Diplomacy (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:17:26 -0500
From: Linda Yablonsky <[email protected]>
To: Linda Yablonsky <[email protected]>
Subject: Sound Diplomacy

Dear Friends,
Okay, the election's over. Think of it: totally disenfranchised at last!

What to do? Here's one thing: go to art radio and click "listen"
on any link in the schedule or in the ever-deepening archive. Turn volume up.
Lend ear. Wag tongue.

Remember, this form of still-FREE expression is not ON the radio. It's on the
Internet. It's better than radio. It's art radio - talk small and large, music,
history, performance. A handy way to negotiate the perils that lie ahead - for
our culture as well as our security, social or otherwise.

On this week's schedule:

- Film ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind") and music (Bjork) video
director Michel Gondry in a recent conversation with critic Ed Halter at MoMA.
Go to:

- Edwin Torres with the perfect antidote to post-election trauma in his
healing-through-jazz-and-poetry overlays on Live Nude Radio Theater - verbal
pyrotechnics abound. Go to:

- More revelations from the faraway when National Book Award nominee Lily Tuck
("The News from Paraguay" ) visits Charles Ruas' "Conversations with Writers."
Go to:

- - Got teens at home? We're ready for them: "Curbside Cassette" has been
created just for them by two Stuy High students with an encyclopedic knowledge
of music and mighty sophisticated taste in it too. Go

- Imagine those students grown up and you might possibly get "The Lonely Bitter
Hour," the music program that painters Zak Smith and Jeronimo Elespe have
devised to vent their grief over ex-girlfriends. Go to:

- Artist/musician Christian Marclay fills the Larry Rivers Memorial Music Hour
with his new cd, "djTrio" - If you know Christian, you'll know what I mean when
I say, No dancing please! Go to:

- Famed Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles, Museo del Barrio curator Deborah
Cullen and gallerist Mary Sabatino join Michael Rush for a deep discussion of
Meireles' new work - inspired in part by the KKK. Go to:

- You too can shake hands with the art, when Daniel Durning opens the WPS1
microphones to interactive filmmaking pioneer Grahame Weinbren and Burning Man
veteran new media artist Jerelyn Hanrahan. Go to:

- Remember Tin Pan Alley? (The music building, not the bar.) Hear two veteran
songwriters tell how they do it on Sherrie Fell's "Inside Music," where
industry and art meet and greet. Go to:

- Delphine Blue goes global on "Shocking Blue" ( the alt music flow show,
with sounds from around the world. Or if you just want to go to Cuba and know
the real deal, try Ned Sublette's musicological Muevete

There's more of course - the deejays, the psychic forecast, a special program
by P.S.1 adjunct curator Kazue Kobata with the very interesting photographers
in "The Perpetual Moment: Visions from within Okinawa and Korea," and the
getting-to-be-immense archive that I ask you to visit on a regular basis and
sample what we've got in there.

We might as well be firm and also be smart, especially if we can sing to it.
As ever,