Kerry-Bush Election Determined By The "Margin of Systemic Vote Fraud"

Cant back up the source but check it out.


Kerry-Bush Election Determined By The "Margin of Systemic Vote Fraud"
EcoNews Service

Vancouver, B.C. (November 2, 2004 @ 9:07 PM PT) - The systematic gap in vote
totals between exit polls which show Kerry leading, for example, by 2 or 3
points, followed by the "actual" vote totals, which show Bush winning by 3
or 4 points, is the actual "margin of systemic vote fraud" via Diebold chip
or other systemic fraud.

GW Bush's apparent electoral victory appears to be the result of "the margin
of systematic vote fraud" rather than actual, physical vote totals.

This is the first email which this reporter received today, from a
knowledgeable source:

—– Original Message —–
From: an-nA
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 7:20 AM
Subject: [Fwd: FW: FW: heads up]

thought i'd pass this on, don't know the reality of it. xa

——– Original Message ——– Subject: FW: FW: heads up
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 14:44:50 -0800
From: "Franklin Eventoff" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hey all, just forwarding a message sent to me
Subject: Re: heads up
this was sent to me by someone who produced television and movies for
years and is working hard on the elections this fall - and following the
elections - please be advised and pass it on if you are interested in people
fairly voting …No joking around. Here's an important heads up …
Yesterday a friend voted early at a polling location in Austin.
She voted straight Democratic. When she did the final check, lo and behold
every vote was for the Democratic candidates except that it showed she had
voted for Bush/Cheney for president/vice pres. She immediately got a poll
official. On her vote, it was corrected. She called the Travis County
Democratic headquarters. They took all her information, and told her that
she wasn't the first to report a

similar incident and that they are looking into it.
So check before you leave the polling booth, and if anything is wrong,
get it corrected immediately. Report any irregularities to your local
headquarters. Make sure you pass this along to your friends … hopefully
this is all over the airwaves by tomorrow …

The same result via "the margin of systematic vote fraud" may have occured
occured in the 2002 mid-term U.S. elections, when the exit polls were
"cancelled." There was a large "margin of systematic fraud" between the
expected vote outcome and the actual vote outcome in that election,
benefiting the party of GW Bush.

Voter testimonials like this one, which document the basis for "the margin
of systematic vote fraud" are not being reported over the mainstream media
as of November 2, 2004 @ 9 PM PT.

The mainstream media are not reporting the effects of the "margin of
systemic vote fraud" in describing the outcomes of the 2004 U.S.
Presidential election. By default or complicity, the mainstream media
appear to bear responsibility for transmitting an incomplete picture of the
basis of the apparent electoral vote margin of GW Bush.


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