FW: from Rome, digital arts

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From: "silvia ***" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 22:54:41 +0000
To: [email protected]
Subject: from Rome, digital arts

IV edizione di
new artistic languages through the technology

"Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the
Machine"Norbert Wiener

Digital art is the elaboration of images, plays, atmospheres and structures,
in numerical way, through technological instruments, with a particular
attention to the processes of production of the artistic works. The
experimentation fields comprise Internet, the digital animations, the
software, or better all which we identify today with the generic term of new
technologies and invests all the comunicative and interactive dimensions
that make use of marks manipulables in mathematical shape.

The forum on the "DIGITAL ARTS" introduces some tendencies of contemporaries
arts in order to allow of to the identification and the understanding, and
in order to start a critical reflection approximately the mechanisms that
come activated from the new modalities, the language properties of the
technological instruments on the artistic contexts and not only.

With:Rossana Buono; Antonio Caronia; Roberto Terrosi; Valentina Tanni
;Tatiana Bazzichelli; Marco Deseriis; Florian Cramer; Giuseppe Marano;

Installation Ebay-landascape by Carlo Zanni.

5 novembre 2004, ore 11.00-19.00

Ex Aula Magna "Pietro Gismondi" - Facolta di Scienze M.F.N. (edifici SOGE=

Universita di Roma Tor Vergata - Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1 - Roma

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