call Sinlcair Broadcasting (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:18:11 -0400
From: cs
To: [email protected]
Subject: call Sinlcair Broadcasting

Maybe people should boycott Sinclair
if no one watches them they make no money…..

Anti-Kerry film to air in prime-time

Nation's largest TV chain orders all 62 stations to show movie without
commercials next week.
October 11, 2004: 12:40 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Sinclair Broadcast Group, owner of the largest chain
of television stations in the nation, plans to air a documentary that
accuses Sen. John Kerry of betraying American prisoners during the Vietnam
War, a newspaper reported Monday.

Please call this company or email or write to complain (and also
the separate news affiliates) Maybe saying you will be boycotting watching
their stationwould be a good idea too.

These guys live or die by their licenses. Fill their public letter file up
with letters like the one below, and the FCC will stick it to them when
their license comes up for renewal. We need to make Sinclair's abuse of the
public airwaves the issue here. Write to the General Manager of your local
Sinclair station and demand that they include your letter in their public
file. or send this letter

Corporate Headquarters
Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.
10706 Beaver Dam Road
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21030
410-568-1500 (Main Telephone)
410-568-1533 (Main Fax)

You can find the address of your Sinclair affiliate at

and you can email Sinclair at [email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam:

I was shocked to learn that you plan to air a one-hour documentary program,
Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal, attacking Senator John Kerry on the
eve of this year