"The Day After Tuesday" - call for submissions

(Writing and Art)

"The Day After Tuesday"
Response-Based Feature Magazine Article
Wanted: Immediate reactions to outcome of US Presidential election
The Bear Deluxe Magazine
Issue #21, Winter 2004

Submission guides below.


The Bear Deluxe Magazine has reserved space in its next issue (November,
2004) for immediate and personal reactions to the US Presidential
(final outcome or non-outcome). This response-based feature story will
include both writing and artwork from submissions received worldwide.
Wanted: personal narratives, opinion, quips, poetry, drawings, cartoons,
graphics. Submissions should be EMAILED to [email protected] (or
to 2516 NW 29th, Bldg. 9, Portland, Oregon) by MIDNIGHT on Wednesday,
NOVEMBER 3. This is not a post-mark deadline. All submissions will be
considered for publication. There is no submission fee.

Word Length: Shorter the better. 400-word max limit, but again, you'd be
better off keeping it down. Indicate any special formatting.

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, November 3, Midnight

Publication Dates: November 10 (print), November 20 (web)

Submission Formats:
Writing: Send as email text along with attached Microsoft Word doc for
if available. Do not send attachment only. Art: PDF format highly
Do not send any images over 1 mb. If image is too large to send
send low-res and be available for other. NO FAXES.

What Else to Include: Full name, contact phone number, city/town/state
origin (optional but preferred), occupation (optional), age (optional),
additional credits other than sender.

Editing: The Bear Deluxe reserves the right to edit written material for
clarity and length. We will not crop or otherwise manipulate artwork
the permission of the artist.

Copyright: Upon receipt of email, The Bear Deluxe will assume one-time
publishing rights as well as rights to include work on our web site for
period of three months after publication. This useage extends only to
writing and art chosen for print or web publication in issue #21.

Compensation to published work: Publication credit and complimentary

About The Bear Deluxe Magazine: The Bear Deluxe Magazine is published by
Orlo, a nonprofit organization using the creative arts to explore
environmental issues. We have been recognized, among others, by Print
magazine, Adbusters and Utne Reader as one of the country's premiere
environmental publications. Based in the Pacific Northwest, we publish
20,000 copies of each issue and distribute them nationally. For more
information, visit www.orlo.org. For further information on this call
submissions: [email protected]