Re: RHIZOME_RAW/refinishing

>I actually think that there are alot of extensions that you can DL
>through Fire fox,… that will enable various key commands, and
>allow you to customize the key commands. What ones are you
>specifically talking about?
>just curious.

good enough. i probably didn't state it clearly but got my answer.
wondered what advantages there were with firefox (mostly "what am I
missing out on with safari"): lots of features/extensions you can
download and add. that's a perc. though safari has a bunch too.
probably makes a more significant improvement jumping from IE.

>Oh,.. and thank you for the Mac pitch

no prob, sounds like you don't need it.

seems like you could take an iBook into a guitar repair shop, and
they could put a new glossy lacquered finish on it? does anybody
think this would work? looks/scratches/wears the same.


, Francis Hwang

On Oct 4, 2004, at 2:29 PM, Plasma Studii - uospn